When should you ask for a raise when someone new takes over the company?
Hello Community,
Hope you can give me advice and tips.
I work for a small company that doesn't have a collective bargaining agreement or isn't bound by one. I've been working there for over 13.5 years, and at New Year's, the company was acquired by someone else. (We still produce for the same companies, or receive orders from them.)
Since my salary isn't exactly generous compared to someone who does this through a collective agreement, the minimum wage has also increased (which is shrinking the gap between my salary and the minimum wage), and inflation… I'd like more money, or rather, just to be paid fairly. It's more of a salary adjustment than a raise. I don't want to come across as cheeky or arrogant, but I have to watch my back. Especially when I see that someone who's just started at a temporary job is only getting €300-400 less than someone who's been in the same job for almost 14 years.
How should I do this? What should I ask, what should I argue? The fact is, the new boss has only been here for 1.5 months, but my job is the same as it has been for the last 13.5 years.
It should also be mentioned that we are a small company and only see the boss briefly after work.
Wish you a nice day
Es ist ganz einfach. Wer nicht fragt bekommt auch nichts. Im besonderen in kleineren Unternehmen ist das oft so. Das hat auch nichts mit Frech zu tun. Das gehört zu den normalen Aufgaben einer Firme / Eines Vorgesetzten über Gehalt zu sprechen.
Wenn du 13 Jahre nicht nach einer Erhöhung gefragt hast dann ist das nicht “höfflich” sondern recht doof… Sowas gehört jedes Jahr auf den Tisch gebracht oder Minimum alle 2 Jahre.
Zur Verhandlung, schau das du Argumente hast warum du mehr verdienen solltest als du aktuell tust. Also nicht weil andere das oder das verdienen sondern warum du heute Wertvoller bist als zu dem Zeitpunkt an dem du das aktuelle Gehalt bekommen hast.
Wenn und einen Chef nur kurz siehst bitte Ihn um ein Personalgespräch und lass dir einen Termin geben
Thanks for the answer. The last increase was at the end of 2022, at the old boss. But also only 200 euros, the previous was 2016… Without the increase of 2022, I would just be 200 euros over minimum wage.
Wie gesagt Fragen kostet nichts. Ob du dann eine bekommst ist immer eine andere Frage.
Die alternative ist immer noch sich nach was anderem umzuschauen gerade aktuell gibt es genug Auswahl.
Go to the boss and tell him you had to talk about your salary, what you should have done years ago. It’s just part of it, especially if you don’t get paid to TV. It doesn’t seem too bad.
Look what he offers you and decide what you want to do.
You can say to the boss that you would know your market value, so you know that there is more elsewhere and you would be willing to leave the company.
Your salary desire is not linked to the German economy, meaning inflation and general inflation is not an argument that your boss will bring to a wage increase.
Only and solely responsible for your raise is what you do for the company. Means: what projects have you taken/finished, did you save money from the company, did you take over more work?
After 1.5 months I won’t ask the boss to see what you can afford before he opens the purse, so you can knock in a year earlier.
If you really worked for the same money for 13.5 years, you definitely did a lot wrong.
Hi, thanks for the answer.
There have been wage increases in time, but I was in principle not satisfied with those, especially in the present time.
I’m “just” a worker, we produce, I can only do what’s there. Arguments like “I brought this into the order us” or that’s not the case.
That is why arguments are difficult when you work in production.
The question is you told your superiors that you are dissatisfied with the increases? If no then you’re your own fault….
There is also the possibility to make further training outside the company in order to then have arguments. But that is again a question of wanting…
Talk to the boss that you would like to have an appointment for salary adjustment in 1-2 months.
This gives the boss time to look at you and your work.
Then collect good arguments.
“The others hardly deserve less” and “minimum wage has risen” are not necessarily good arguments. Both have no influence on your performance at the AG.
Your services, training?, more responsibility, e.g., the introduction of new employees or project management or something.
Just as well-defined projects or orders to which a lot depends.
But if you’ve been there for 14 years, you’ve probably had six or so wage negotiations. they are common every 2-3 years.
As a normal worker who only produced arguments are difficult to find. You just get to work and produce on the machines. Is different than in the office, sale or the like where you can argue.
You’ve got a number or not?
Like quality? Number of reject parts, time in which what was done, calibration of Marails?
It may be heavier but I would still look for arguments that don’t sound like “but all others” but more like “justifying my performance”
No one says you have to be trouble-free.
If you find a situation in the last 1-2 months where without DEIN would have acted/decision your part of production (and where the boss was satisfied) that would be super argument.
Addendum: if necessary, it would also be useful with the boss to appeal to the master at company costs with subsequent additional salary increase and the agreement that you will stay in return for minimum X months or 1-2 years.
A master in operation seems to be missing.
Yeah, sure. Of course I’m not mistake-free. It is also so that we actually have the complete responsibility about the operation (the boss is not there while we work). Where others can run to the master, we have to look at how and whether we can do anything, otherwise production is until the boss comes.
I’d say that’s good, but as I said, of course, after I’m mistaken, I have committee…
You have to try something to really move.
In your position, I would make a new job on the labour market before you enter a new employment contract, you can talk directly to your boss about it, then you will see how much he is interested in you and what you are really worth.