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1 year ago

Is right, the auxiliary set is inserted in this case, i.e. in the middle of the main set, and therefore has a comma at the front and back.

If the relative position is at the end, there is only a comma at the front, a point at the back. For example, I like the boy I saw yesterday.

If there’s more commas, there’s other sidelines in there. This is often so in longer sentences that they consist of more than two sentences and then have more commas.

1 year ago

That’s right.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lifeisalie71

In the above example, it is an attributive supplement, i.e. the subject is defined in more detail. So it is explained which boy invited you. And this kind of ancillary is then separated with comma to mark the insertion.

With the length of the sentence it does not necessarily have anything to do.

1 year ago


For my birthday, I invite the boy I saw today.

The sentence is longer than the original, but it still has only one comma.