Wann lohnt sich ein Auto?
Wohne in einer Kleinstadt und meine Freundin macht Führerschein, heißt sie wird immer fahren, für mich lohnt sich kein Auto mehr bei 3,5km Arbeitsweg. Freunde habe ich keine. Würdet ihr unter diesen Umständen den Wagen verkaufen?
Does a car pay? The ones say “yes, always”, the others say “no, never.” Basically, everyone has to decide for themselves. If you never leave your place and your only way from home to work and back, you really don’t need a car.
if your friend makes the appearance, you have an incl. car – give her the car. whether sell to her or only lend (they pay maintenance).
if you need a car, you need to know yourself. have you been living together? have to go back and forth to your parents?
live doesn’t just consist of work and if the girlfriend is your taxi is also crap…
I don’t have it, she doesn’t want it. It’s credit on it. I don’t want to drive anymore
on sale.
I mean you seem to be at 30. you will know what your life looks like and what you need. we can only appreciate it. I’ve been in the home office for 4 years now and don’t drive anymore.
well, talk to the bank. but that is only important to the money. sell the car and then pay back the loan.
Also not so easy by credit
Yeah, it’s less responsibility.
If you don’t need it, go. That’s free.