Wann kriegen eneba etc neue game keys?

Wie lange dauert es, bis eneba und die ganzen Seiten also mmoga etc neue keys bekommen?

Möchte mir ein Spiel holen, welches mir auf steam aber zu teuer ist, jedoch sind überall die Keys dafür ausverkauft…

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2 years ago

It’s like other products. The manufacturer must provide them, then they can be sold.

Of course, Eneba could not order new keys, but if other sellers have no more, it won’t be.

2 years ago
Reply to  xFabianoxD

So on Steam you get it. You could wait for an action.

Otherwise, you could contact the manufacturers and ask them there. https://codehorizon.pl/project/gold-rush-thegame/

I fear, however, as they themselves refer to Steam, that only then keys are delivered.

2 years ago

https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/buy-gold-rush-the-game cd-key-compare-prices/

Well, it looks like Steam is the best option right now. With such indiegames, not always many keys are in circulation.


But is reduced to 50% on Steam