Wann Krawatte/Fliege tragen?
Wann tragt ihr Krawatte/Fliege? Tragt ihr diese nur, wenn ihr z.B. zur Hochzeit, Feier usw. Geht, oder auch einfach so wenn ihr draußen geht? (z.B. einkaufen, Restaurant, usw.)
Wann tragt ihr Krawatte/Fliege? Tragt ihr diese nur, wenn ihr z.B. zur Hochzeit, Feier usw. Geht, oder auch einfach so wenn ihr draußen geht? (z.B. einkaufen, Restaurant, usw.)
Ist es schlimm, den ganzen Tag nichts zu essen und erst abends um 18 Uhr oder später zu essen? Kann dies Folgen haben? Oder ist Fasten nicht sogar gesund.
Ich verbringe täglich viel Zeit mit Bodygrooming.
Hi, ich habe ein Problem. ich bin gerade online shoppen um ein Kleid für den Abschluss Ball nächste Woche zu kaufen dar , das neue Halbjahr beginnt. Aber ich finde beide so schön und kann mich echt nicht entscheiden. Was meint ihr ?
Ich habe festgestellt das, wenn man intim enthaarungscreme verwendet das die Haare nach einem oder 2 Tage schon wieder nachwachsen und das sehr dünn. wenn man aber enthaarungscreme verwendet die für die Beine etc gedacht ist, bleibt es im Intimbereich viel länger glatt. warum ist das so?
Also ich habe da ein Freund und der ist Ausländer und wird immer wegen seinen Augenbrauen gemobbt.
Hey ! Ich mache demnächst mein ra9 und wollte wissen ob man bei der prüfung eine weiße reithose haben MUSS ? oder ob eine normale schwarze auch ok ist ?
In everyday life never. Occupationally very rare and at special occasions (wedding, baptisms, graduate balls) I also get ready with fly or tie. I have about as many flies (natural self-bindings) as ties and then look at what suits me best in the outfit. I like to wear my tuxedo with a black fly, but the occasions are very rough.
When I get after that. If I like to wear a tie/fly, I’ll wear one. So also on days when I do nothing special.
It’s an accessory, and I treat it like that. Just make an outfit (for me) more beautiful.
My partner only wears ties to special parties, never in the profession.
I never wear a fly, it always looks like an overhead skeleton, as I find… is a matter of taste. I keep wearing ties on professional occasions where it is necessary. It happens several times a month. The environment is very conservative, as it is also expected to appear with tie. Weddings etc. take place very rarely, but I would also wear a tie without question – unless a “locker dress code” would be desired. I am not a tie fan and have no single suit or even tuxedo (always jacket, trousers, shirt and tie when it comes to this.) but I have no problem with putting on my tie and can also tie tie ties correctly.
Nowadays there are hardly any waiters carrying the fly. You have to go to a 5 star restaurant.
Ties and flies are beautiful accessories with which men can put fashionable accents and express their personality. Of course, a particularly festive occasion justifies wearing a tie or fly, but it does not necessarily require this legitimation. Whenever I want to round off my outfit with a tie or fly, I do it. This conveys a beautiful feeling of life and is also a sign of individuality.
Actually every day. In the office or in the restaurant, shopping, events, celebrations, Sundays a suit with a self-bound fly. In the spare time I wear a suitcase with shirt and fly and a sweater or sweater with V-neck.
Only at solemn occasions. When I was still working, I wore leisure clothes with individual industrial customers, but with larger meetings business clothes, and earlier also ties. The fact that ties to business clothing today are considered antiquated, spooky and ultraconservative goes back to Tsipras and Varoufakis.
In my professional life it was customary in the 90s to wear ties and suits. Later only to official events or customer appointments. Meanwhile, the tie is completely out. You don’t see a lot of ties for the wedding or in the star’s eye. Suit or jacket yes, but also in business life is a t-shirt under the jacket, with (edlel-)Jeans and sneakers socially capable. Even in the casino it is no longer prescribed.
I like to give my tie collection…
Flys are modern again:)
I wear suit and tie more often simply because the duty is in my position.
“fly”, or Smoking is then more for events + events.
I wear a tie/fly every day professionally and in leisure.
I like ties and almost always wear one, so even when shopping or in the restaurant.
Not anymore, the times are fortunately over today, the still without tie is correct and modern.
Flying is coming for this :O
I haven’t noticed yet, and I’m not going to join.
I also wear ties more often to go out because my wife likes it…don’t buy
I’m just wearing a tie. So for special occasions.
Last time I was married.
(From the female carnival where it belongs to sacrifice a tie).
I don’t wear ties or fly
I’ll wear as good as never. Last time I was married. And even there only during the official part. At the party, I was free again.
Since I was retired and no more worries, I have never worn a tie even in a 5 star+ hotel!
I don’t wear a tie. Not at weddings or funerals.
I hate something like that