Wann kommt meine Bestellung an?
Habe um 0:17 Uhr heute CPU,Mainboard und ein Gehäuse bei der Mindfactory bestellt,meine frage ist nun wann es ankommen könnte wohne in Hannover und die Bestellung kommt aus Wilhelmshaven.
Bestellt wurde mit PayPal
Danke nochmal das ihr euch Zeit nehmt um meine Frage zu beantworten,habt noch einen Schönen Tag🫶
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen
It’s good that it’s coming this week. Just patience min young. They deliver fast.
My Ryzen 7 5700X I would have actually received 2 days after the order. But as the DHL driver just before the scheduled delivery of the opinion, his tour was suddenly to break off, I had the CPU only on Monday (though Saturday should come).
But isn’t Mindfactory’s fault.
Thank you
Why do you ask such questions? Especially if you just ordered half a day ago.
As long as it takes approximately, there will certainly have been somewhere with the provider.
And even if you don’t, how about you just practice a little bit in patience?
If you want to have it the next day, you should have bought Amazon.
Yeah, well, I was wondering.
That doesn’t even know the consignor, we’re not. You paid with Paypal, not ordered.
Call at least!? How are the users here to know? 🤕