Wann kommt der Bescheid wenn man geblitzt wurde?
Ich wurde vor 9 Tagen geblitzt und würde ganz gerne mal wissen wie schnell ich wirklich war. Wann kommt den endlich dieser dämliche Bescheid? Ich habe noch Probezeit deswegen.
Ich wurde vor 9 Tagen geblitzt und würde ganz gerne mal wissen wie schnell ich wirklich war. Wann kommt den endlich dieser dämliche Bescheid? Ich habe noch Probezeit deswegen.
Hi. Es mag dumm klingen, ich halte es auch für sehr dumm und mich auch in dem Fall. Aber ich kriege das einfach nicht hin, den Kreisverkehr richtig zu befahren weil ich einfach nicht verstehe was die ein und was die Ausfahrt ist. Ich verstehe es einfach nicht, bei unserem Kreisverkehr sind auch nie irgendwelche…
Wenn TÜV abgelaufen ist beim ohne Theorie Prüfung was muss man tun?
Hallo, ich wollte nachfragen ob es noch erlaubt ist, wenn ich mit einer Mofa Prüfbescheinigung und ein auf 25km/h gedrosselten Roller 35 km/h fahre, da die Drosselung, welche eingetragen und geprüft ist trotzdem 35km/h fährt. Mfg Danke im Voraus!
This depends on how much they have to do. So that can take a few weeks.
Waiting for this is really annoying. Especially since I fear to have been too fast over 20 km/h. I know.
“…As I fear to have been too fast once over 20 km/h…. This statement suggests that you have been flashed more often. Didn’t last very long, what you learned or learned in the driving school…!
That was DEINE’s decision to drive so fast… 🤷
Yes, unfortunately 🙁
normally not more than a week. you were really so much too fast, maybe it also flashed and it is set because it is about tolerance.
here in the village is a flasher that often has a software disorder and flashes every car and post it on the website of the city that you do not need to worry.
it can also be that the flasher was defective…
have you noticed anything? if you don’t have to worry.
I also drove on the highway with an LED speed limiter shield 120 kmh.
300 m after this shield was a series of fixedly installed flashers and it flashed me. there were no other cars on the street and I drove exactly 120 kmh because I saw the shield extra and the flashers and now nothing has come.
Modern flashes no longer flash… You don’t see if they got one.
But they are still visible!
“Invisible” flashers exist in Germany only in tunnels for safety reasons, otherwise every stationary/mobile flasher system must flash with a visible flash.
but he obviously saw it flashing.
That’s bullshit.
That’s wrong.
Yes. I just see flashers!
I don’t know how much kilometers you’re traveling
No, it’s not.
Depending on the authority, this can take several weeks/months.
It can take a few more days.
It’s just crap if you don’t know if you get the FS. I drove too fast myself looking this is fucked I know.
There is no guarantee of how fast the ticket is coming. Sure is, that it’s coming.
If at least cool then I would be too much under the “magic” 20 km/h (of which there are test time measures)
Do not misunderstand driving too fast is very dangerous and crap. But I’ll take a look. Anyway, I’m going to stick to any limit now. 😉
You can take off the needle about five km/h. That’s what it is at least with my car. Then you will be presented three km/h as tolerance.
So you can take off about the 51 about ten km/h you actually drove…
Hard to say at 30, so 47 to 49 would I say. In any case, the tacho (needle) stood at 51.
How much too fast were you after your feeling?
Shit, I think I’ve built pretty shit.