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1 year ago

Risperidone is a drug from the group of atypical antipsychotics. It is approved for the treatment of schizophrenic psychosis, manic episodes (bipolar disorder) and psychiatric aggressive behavior (e.g. in dementia, autism or psychosis).

Like all antipsychotics, also risperidone can have side effects. If you put the drug off going back effect and side effects. The active metabolite of Risperidone has a half-life of about 17-23 hours. In medicine, roughly 5x the half-life is calculated until an active ingredient has been completely eliminated from the bloodstream. Specifies 115 hours or 115 hours starting from the maximum value for rupture. 4-5 days.

Certain side effects disappear relatively quickly, others like the potential weight gain remain for the first time. To remain weight gain in the example: After 4-5 days, the weight-producing side effect of Risperidone falls away. It doesn’t mean you’re automatically deducted. But by a calorie deficit, weight reduction is possible, which has largely prevented the drug before.

Bear in mind that you only place the drug after consultation with the doctor. Psychosis and bipolar disorders are very often recurrent (in recurring strokes) or even chronic. If the protection of the drug is omitted, it is often only a matter of time until certain symptoms of illness occur again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lopo1245

Sexual disorders (if one is affected by them) usually remain for the duration of the whole intake peroid. After the drug has been dropped, they go back. For some within a few days, for others it may take several months until the whole has become normal again.

1 year ago

You’ll do that with your doctor, please.