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2 years ago

Hello Jeffizus,

it depends on what’s been installed to you.

The pain should have disappeared after a week or a few days later.

With some built-in parts, you have to change your chewing technique and with other built-in parts, everything gets caught in it. It takes a little longer at the beginning. But everyone finds a place where to chew.

5 weeks, however, has already been very high, then there would have to be high bites and fittings in the palate. Even if you can’t believe it right now. Everything is completely normal after some time and then just belongs to it.

Sure is: no one is starved yet.

Good luck!


2 years ago

you can already eat soft fruits like apples, but you have to do without it

2 years ago

If your doctor tells you it’s 5 weeks, what do you expect from the good question users

2 years ago

What prevented you from asking the doctor again?
You may have misunderstood