When can I get veneers?
I'll be turning 19 soon and have been struggling with an unsightly front tooth since I was 14. Since I'm earning money now, I'm considering getting a veneer. I have a few questions about it.
Is it too early at 18/19?
Do I “apply” for this at the dentist or orthodontist?
How long does it take until they are manufactured and ready to use?
thank you in advance
Not too early. Depends on how strong the tooth is. But if he’s healthy, it’s always stupid to grind a healthy tooth for a crown or a veener. You have to consult with your dentist, with whom you apply.
How long does it take? We’re gonna take this 3-4 weeks.
Simply ask for the dentist will be the simplest
So am I. I’m just hoping for a couple of preliminary information
Depending on how the condition of your teeth is, I would tell you about Veeners how expensive the shit is sometimes aside
I’ve had my first crown with 17 years.
But, I think it’s individual. Ask your dentist.
Probably the dentist