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Hi, ich wurde heute beschnitten, befinde mich gerade in der Türkei, fliege aber am Dienstag wieder nach Deutschland und mache mir sorgen dass ich bis dahin noch nicht gescheit ausgeruht bin. Was habt ihr für Erfahrungen gemacht, wie lange hat es bei euch gedauert bis normales gehen mit normaler Unterwäsche wieder möglich war? Danke im…
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Hallo ich bin 14 und wurde am Dienstag wegen meiner phimose beschnitten bisher läuft alles gut und schön außer, die morgen latte hat wer tipps damit die morgenlatte schneller verschwindet dann schreibt bitte da sie ein wenig weh tut.
Was sind das für winzig kleine Pickelchen an meiner Eichel?
Ja. Und zwar sind an meiner Eichel, wie so einer geraden Linie, so winzig kleine Pickelchen. Ist das eine Infektion? Kann es sein das ich mich wo angesteckt habe? Ich mache mir etwas Sorgen.
Was ist “beschneiden” eigentlich?
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If you have the feeling that might be too close to your foreskin, go to the doctor and let him decide if everything is okay with her.
If not, he’ll know what to do.
In fact, whenever it cannot be moved back and forth properly. And since you only realize that it is “too narrow” actually always when you notice this
A pre-skin is actually no matter how far it is always “necessary of circumcision”.
What do you mean? My foreskin is not in need of circumcision because it fully fulfills the function. So it is also for most men and boys
and what function does it perform? She catches up the dirt and is unhygienic and gives a bad appearance.
Yes, so I think no one needs the foreskin and would be better if he was cut.
Yeah, okay, you can feel a little bit more with you. But for example, I was always oversensitive, so now it’s so better for me.
I’m giving you a pretty good look, but only with too long foreskin. In terms of function, the foreskin has many nerve cells that enhance the feeling!
As a rule, if the foreskin does not go down in a stiff
If this leads to acute significant complaints or is foreseeable that such complaints will occur (for example, if they cannot be enslaved, but you want penetration sex with it, or something like that).
If the withdrawal of the foreskin hurts.
Take a look at the video “Vorhaut zu Eng? Phimose Test…” from young questions
is very good and should answer everything
As soon as they bother you
Treatment of primary pimosis is only important, if it leads to complaints such as inflammation or problems in urination or after puberty is still present. The secondary phimosis acquired during life concerns adults.
Pre-skin narrowing – Phimose – University Hospital Zürich
When must preskin narrowing be treated?
Over the course of the first three to four years of life, the bond is usually released by itself and the fore skin gradually expands, so that it can be pulled back very easily and painlessly. You can just wait. Only if a preskin narrowing is not reflected by itselfshould be treated.
Pre-skin narrowing (Phimose) | Health
If you can’t pull them back.
From an infection with Tripper or Chlamydia:
Then a pre-skin removal is possible for you free in the hospital.
Dude, just no.
Young Danes, it’s difficult.
What are you writing for?