When is an endomorphism over R diagonalizable?
Do you have to create a representation matrix with respect to a basis(?) and then check it against the matrix? Is it then certain that it won't work with respect to another basis?
Do you have to create a representation matrix with respect to a basis(?) and then check it against the matrix? Is it then certain that it won't work with respect to another basis?
Can someone please help me with this task? For a I had t(x)= 0.91x-0.91 but that doesn't quite work because it's a secant and what exactly should I do for b? Thanks 🙂
Hello dear community, How would you calculate these limits using L'Hospital? I have an exam about it tomorrow, so any help would be really nice 👍 Lg
Suppose you have a cube-shaped balloon with an edge length of 1 and draw the edges. If you let the air out and transform it into a sphere, you can see the original edges on the sphere. When the balloon transforms from a cube to a sphere, the balloon loses approximately 47% of its volume….
How do you do that?
I desperately need help! I need to shift the sine function to the left by pi, but I'm not quite sure how. I've been sitting here for an hour and I still don't understand it. Please help me!
An n x n matrix can be diagonalized, inter alia, precisely when the sum of the dimensions of its own spaces is equal to n (the eigenvectors of the matrix thus form a base of the R^n). This is at the same time a conventional method for testing the diagonalizability, i.e. you calculate the characteristic polynomial and the eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalues. If you have n linearly independent eigenvectors, the matrix can be diagonally detected.
You can find several other criteria here:
Diagonalizable matrix – Wikipedia
If there are less than p linearly independent eigenvectors at an intrinsic value of the multiple p=> 2, then the matrix is also not diagonally adjustable, no matter what basis you try.
The chosen base doesn’t matter.