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1 year ago

An n x n matrix can be diagonalized, inter alia, precisely when the sum of the dimensions of its own spaces is equal to n (the eigenvectors of the matrix thus form a base of the R^n). This is at the same time a conventional method for testing the diagonalizability, i.e. you calculate the characteristic polynomial and the eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalues. If you have n linearly independent eigenvectors, the matrix can be diagonally detected.

You can find several other criteria here:

Diagonalizable matrix – Wikipedia

If there are less than p linearly independent eigenvectors at an intrinsic value of the multiple p=> 2, then the matrix is also not diagonally adjustable, no matter what basis you try.

1 year ago

Is it sure it doesn’t go with another base?

The chosen base doesn’t matter.