When is an 18650 battery empty?
Hey, I have a question: At what voltage is an 18650 cell empty? I have a fan with a battery like that, and at what point do the batteries become deeply discharged? P.S. The battery is not protected.
Hey, I have a question: At what voltage is an 18650 cell empty? I have a fan with a battery like that, and at what point do the batteries become deeply discharged? P.S. The battery is not protected.
Why does my TEDi charging cable keep breaking?
In the photo you can see that I want to measure an AA battery! Do I also need a breadboard with a resistor/LED as a load?
Hello, Does it make a difference whether the delta contactor is branched off before or after the mains contactor? From a safety perspective, it wouldn't make any difference, since the mains contactor is permanently switched on and you can't switch back from delta to star. It's cleaner for drawing, of course, but I'm only interested…
I read an article in the waiting room on Friday that said cell phone cables could theoretically be dangerous. Especially if they're defective, so the transformer doesn't regulate down to 3.5 volts or whatever it is, and you get the full 230 volts from the socket. There's also a fire hazard if you leave it…
Hello, can anyone recommend a good electrosmog meter for home use? Thanks!
So for the cordless screwdriver of course xd Well, I think Torx is the best! :;)
Das lässt sich nicht exakt sagen, weil es zum einen von der Individualität des Akkus, als auch vom angeschlossenen Verbraucher abhängt.
Als Faustformel gilt, dass der Akku bei ca. 2,5 V bis 2,7 V derart leer ist, dass er ohne nennenswerten Spannungsabfall kaum noch Strom liefern kann.
Es ist aber nicht unwahrscheinlich, dass Dein Ventilator schon vorher abschaltet, weil der Akku irgendwann nicht mehr genug Strom liefern kann, ohne das die Spannung in die Knie geht.
Unter der Entladeschlussspannung. Meist 2,7 V, aber Abhängig von der Zelle (siehe Datenblatt).