When is the spider season over?

Hello everyone,

In response to your question, I'd like to say that I have an abnormal fear of spiders. I find them disgusting, and they move quite quickly, which really scares me. I also find it really hard to get rid of them myself… I didn't have any good experiences as a child, like having a spider chase me.

Now in the summer time I have quite a lot of spiders in the house (help Oo), although as far as I know they only move into the house in the colder months to look for warmth.

And here's my question: Is there a time when you're less likely to have spiders in your house? (If not, off to Antarctica xD)

Jokes aside, but thanks in advance for the answers! ^^

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7 months ago

Erst dann, wenn es richtig kalt wird, also meist etwa ab November.

7 months ago


und was ist das bitte für eine ,,unschöne,, Erinnerung das ne Spinne irgendwo langkrabbelt, die lief dir ned nach die hat nurn Platz gesucht zum rumhängen.

Es gibt Therapien gegen solche Phobien

(soll übrigens ned so kalt rüberkommen wie es wirkt)

7 months ago
Reply to  EinfachAlly

du musst sie ja auch gar nicht anfassen, einfach nur koexistieren können reicht schon

ich mag auch ned alle, ich ignorier die halt

7 months ago

Spinne frisst Mücke.

Spinne = Freund ❤️

Symbiose 🙂