When did you first drink Coke?
How old were you when your parents first gave you a Coke?
How old were you when your parents first gave you a Coke?
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You (as girls) probably know that white mucus that comes before your period. But I get it every day, and if I get it while I'm trying to concentrate (e.g., in class), I still can't concentrate at all and I get dizzy. And I can't read properly because my gaze keeps wandering, as if my…
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Hello everyone…what does ground turkey look like when it's spoiled? Is ground turkey generally different in color than ground pork and beef? Thanks for your numerous comments.
Hallo ich habe von gestern noch Lach übrig und habe es in den Kühlschrank getan wollte mal nachfragen ob ich das essen in der Mikrowelle wieder warm machen kann oder geht das bei fisch nicht weil es schlecht werden kann?
So with 7-8 years at New Year’s Eve
I don’t know… probably as Teeny. I’m sure my parents don’t.
Previously, there was rarely to buy Cola.
They didn’t give me a cola, but I drank Cola at 14 in the disco. Yes: In my youth you were admitted to the disco from 14 onwards!
I was 19 years old, and on my way to the station, my workmate couldn’t do it completely, so she told me.
It was horrible for my stomach.
I never drink Cola.
I’m thinking kindergarten age, but it’s just a little bit.
I’m 34 and I never drank Cola. Lg
Thank you. 😃 Cola I find disgusting from the smell. lg
I agree.
Six years.
I don’t know anymore, but I’ve been allowed to drink with six.
At 8-9 years, I had half a glass. :
Cola I drank with 10, but find that not very healthy
The first time I drank Cola at 11 years and that was my first and last Cola, I didn’t taste it at all and found it really disgusting.
With 6 maybe
Hello Deneuker69,
my first time Cola was 12 years old.
when I was reborn my mama mixed this into the milk bottle
I can’t believe that!
I drank Cola for the first time at about 15 years.
I don’t know.
I don’t know, too long ago