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If they lie, cheat, torture animals/humans, are only concerned with their own advantage, have no compassion, others do not respect or even if they do not respect themselves and can be dominated by others
Fits perfectly with so certain ‘Lärmexperts’…
For example, if the person has unjustified arrogance, does not comply with certain codes of honor, behaves disrespectlessly, is always complaining, gives others the blame for his situation, is lazy, cannot deal with criticism, repeating the same mistakes, living from social aid, though he could work, neglecting his children, etc. So, in short and flush, a person must first convince me that she can enjoy my respect.
If the other person has no respect to me or friends/family.
I have no respect for people who behave without respect. It doesn’t matter to me or anyone else.
If this person doesn’t show respect and is inappropriate, no matter who.
When I am lied, again and again,
then my respect for the other is gone.
If they have no respect for me or my friends/relatives
If they do not respect
I have respect for other beings. In front of all humans and animals a fundamental respect. The same respect for a child, adult, dog or cat. I hold their limits.
What I don’t have is more respect for a person, just because he’s older, richer or anything else, for which he himself has done nothing.
That’s exactly what I taught my children.
Because those I have no respect for have lost him through herooortavz, racist, fascist or misogyne’s thoughts.
As soon as they get on my nerves.
lg up
“When are you no longer respecting others?“
When people turn out to be false friends!
Or even before
People who present themselves to others as a louder and integree personality and accuse them of virtues and values that they do not have!
Like, for example, people who claim they fought for justice – and do not do this! But their righteousness is only to support the injustice of those who are victorious! And otherwise they will turn their eyes to the true injustice of others!
I have no respect for such people (more)! Such people are despicable in my eyes!
Basically before people who are fundamentally disrespectful to other people…
This happens to anyone who is impossible to behave. For example, if he insults other people, insults, anvils, arrogates etc. .
When jmd goes to my mother or family and hurts me
Then I’ll hit back. in words.
I won’t let that happen.
Respect is if for me you take it the way it is. If this person doesn’t do that, it’s through with me below.
If they behave inappropriately.
If they are “Others” Talahons.
If you go “the simple way” and have no principles.
If they sue themselves in self-pity and blame others for everything, only not themselves.
As soon as my counterpart is unfriendly and respectless. It represents my intention.
when they repeatedly become disrespectful and refusing a clearing conversation
If they don’t have it
If they like the AfD.
If you insult me or other people!
If someone cries and whips every day.
When they lure
If they are totally misguided and indestructible. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄