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… so about right after birth. Because our environment shapes us.
Much more important – and perhaps you mean – is that we find ourselves and live our personality. Then the direct environment is no longer important. Then count only you and your inner settings.
is an ongoing process.
Sometimes I tap into how I think more about “outside” and I’m aware that I can’t even influence it.
I was conscious in real school, about seventh grade. At that time I thought: the alliance to the class will tear once, but never to the relationship. Finally, I started to limit myself to a very selected group of people. Unfortunately, I did not always have the opportunity to do so later on, but my current plan of life (in 34) is very close to the “Visions” which I had as a teenager of my future. Some time ago, I found a task from the ninth class on the topic “so I imagine my life as an adult” and, on the whole, it’s amazingly congruent, including this fact that I am very focused on myself and on my direct environment (family, few friends, good colleagues) and let everything else go.
“That out there” I felt threatened as a toddler and therefore classified as “very important”.
With the beginning of the school, the whole thing has fortunately emerged and at once I was more important and my environment. So with six in the first class.
It was very early, however, because my environment and society have hurt me. I didn’t want anything to do with them.
More later, 40/45+
I’ve always been like that.