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Yes, if you mean the weekdays, so Saturday and Sunday.
No, if you mean the free days. Of course, they don’t always fall on Saturday and Sunday, but that should be known.
So Monday to Sunday in any other combination.
You’re not a pilot, so it can’t matter for you, except that it depends on the employer and the corresponding service plan.
What does it change for you if you know it from a company but not from the majority?
And that pilots, like locomotives, police officers, soldiers, ship crews, hospital staff or hotel staff, also have to work on weekends and holidays – and thus have other “weekends” than the armchair fur behind his flat screen – should have been talking around for a long time and now belong to general education.
Hey, pilots don’t have regular Saturdays and Sundays. It’s on the schedule. Whether short distance or long distance, whether holiday time or not etc. It may be that under the week they are 3 days toogause and have free and for that they are on the go for the weekend or how “normalos” have weekends Saturday and Sunday.
If you mean when they are free, then if it is noted in the schedule. If they don’t have free, they’ll fly. Also on Saturday evening, on Sunday at 6:05 h, on soft nights and New Year’s Eve.
If 2 free days are entered in the service plan…
Depending on requirements and schedule.
Just like workers at the police, in the hospital, in hospitality and gastronomy, firefighters, chaplains, airport staff and and and…
Statistically, 30% of German workers have no regulated weekend on Saturday and Sunday. So it’s not just the “poor” pilots.
They are like the millions of shiftworkers or workers with a rolling week. After schedule.
Saturday and Sunday… like everyone else.
Or do you mean their spare time in the service plan?
Weekend is always Saturday/Sunday, not only for pilots.
At the end of a week.
Saturday to Sunday weekend
And then who flies
Saturday and Sunday?
is not the same as they have freed
For me.
Then you should write clearly understandable questions. You should be aware that not all pilots have free on weekends.
Saturday and Sunday have the weekend
Saturdays and Sundays.
Do pilots have weekends other than other people?
Yes, if the leisure is meant. No, if we mean the weekdays.
You have to be a pilot. There are some other professions that work around the clock. These are also free when it is in the service plan. Can be a weekend or even a Wednesday.
Thank you, but I know that, of course, but you can read my direct answer. You always have to keep it “simple, stupid” (KISS).
Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
Saturdays and Sundays.
If they have service-free on the Sa and So.