Wann geht diese Sehnenscheidenendzündung weg?
Ich hab seit genau seit 2 Wochen Schmerzen im Unterarm, ich schohne ihn, ich trainiere nicht, doch leider geht es nicht weg. Es ist zwar ein wenig besser geworden, aber wenn es in diesem Tempo verheilt werd ich alt bevor ich wieder trainieren kann. Wie lange geht das noch und wie kann ich es verkürzen?
It can’t be said that flat. It can be weeks or even months, in the worst case it will even be chronic. Mine had stopped almost half a year.
Wow, that calms me now. How probable is that the Scheiss becomes chronic?
And if she was chronic, could I not train for half a year?
If it were chronic, I wouldn’t be much more training. You’d have to think about OP before.
Let’s hope the best solution approaches of doctors there are many, sometimes have luck and it takes only weeks. Good improvement
But thanks for the answers
That’s funny, right? I can’t just bite.
Could it also be a carpal tunnel narrowing?
An inflammation of the tendon requires a rail or gypsum to completely calm the wrist for at least 10 days. Without you, you’re gonna have a long time. This is not going away
Tell you every orthopaedic. Even had tendonitis twice. Every 10 days gypsum and sickened
Doesn’t that sound martial training until she’s gone?
Yeah. Or it gets worse
School’s going. I’m working.
What? Don’t you want me to go to school?