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2 years ago

You can’t say that. One needs longer, the other makes it faster.

In principle, nothing speaks about it if you look at such films as long as you do not neglect your real world.

But remember, in porn a lot is also simply set and does not necessarily correspond to reality 😉

2 years ago

You have no damage. Maybe you have a temporary hanger or a lust, but otherwise porn is not known to cause damage.

2 years ago

Just explain what damage you have. Isn’t sex happy anymore? These are psychological things and there are no periods of time that you could call because every brain ticks differently. Physical damage is getting less of porn. All right, maybe it’s gonna tighten your eyes a bit when you’re in the dark on the bright phone…

It would also be interesting to know how often you consumed porn and how old you are.

2 years ago

There’s not “the damages,” what do you have for complaints? You can’t have anything and be quite normal.

2 years ago

traumatized in life.

2 years ago

When are the damages going away?

What are you wearing?
