Wann frühmöglichs ausziehen?
Guten Tag,
Also vorab ich bin w/15
Meine Mum ist alleinerziehend von mir und meine kleine Schwester ist im Wechselmodell bei uns und ihrem Vater.
Ich habe riesige Probleme mit meiner Mum schon länger. (SOrgt sich nichz um mich etc, vernachlässigt mich und alles). (Bilde ich mir nicht nur ein, sagen meine Freunde, mein Freund, mum meiner besten Freundin, so eine Frau von der Schule etc)
Somit wollte ich fragen ab wann man frühstmöglicj ausziehen kann und ob das auch vor dem 18. Geburtstag geht.
Und ich wollte fragen was genau dieses Elternfreie bafög ist oder wie das heißt. Und was es da für Voraussetzungen gibt etc.
Danke für eure hilfe:)
You’re allowed to move out from 18. If you’re still going to school, I’d like to contact a trust teacher or class teacher, and the whole situation would be signs. They can then give you tips on how to behave, give you jobs where to turn and so on. They just have a much bigger scope than you.
( When I had family problems, I did that too and it helped super)
if you can finance it yourself, you just need the signature of your mama.
because this is probably not the case.
there are housing groups
Call the Youth Office.
or just a children’s home..
Just talk to your mom.
Ask her how she can tell her how you are..
I’ve tried so often with my mum.
If your mother doesn’t mind with 16.
I moved with 17 but officially reported when I became 18 there is no parents before!
if you are 18 and have enough to come in, you can take off. until then you do what your mother tells you.
As soon as you are 18, AND can finance this, nothing is in your way
You don’t always have to be able to finance it. I was just a week 18 and had an income of 200€ (vocational school, counts as the first year of teaching, but is mainly school, therefore so little salary). But since I was mentally prestressed and also confirmed by my therapist that it would be better if I lived alone, I got from the office ALG2. But there must be a good reason for this, otherwise you have no right to ALG as a young adult, you must have worked full-time for a few years.
Of course there are always exceptions. The rule is, however, that parents must pay for the maintenance of their children.
The fact that a teenager argues with his mother does not mean that the state finances an apartment.