Wann fliegt Corendon wieder mit der 737 MAX?

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hat einer von euch irgendwelche Infos wann CAI wieder mit der 737 MAX nach Antalya fliegt ? Fliege nächste Woche Samstag (03.07.) nach Antalya und auf Flightradar24 ist ne 737 drin normalerweise steht dort ja 738 habe etwas Hoffnung darauf.

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3 years ago

Then it might be a Boeing 737-700 that was leased/charted. However, it can also be that the Boeing 737-800 is not yet called with the right model. This is also often the case, for example 73H if the exact machine is not fixed. Since almost all CXI flights that are normally operated with a Boeing 737 800 are predicted with 737, I suspect it will be a 737 800. Especially since the 737 MAX are on the ground. Although the MAX is better in terms of environmental technology, I would recommend you to enjoy the normal 737, as its engine sound has more character. You’ll get the MAX sooner.