When will the Olympic Games take place in Germany again?
They're currently in France, and the last Olympic Games in Germany were in the 1930s, so it's been 90 years since they were held. When will they take place in Germany again, or will there no longer be any Olympic Games in Germany?
Germany wants to apply for 2040, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of reunification. Nobody knows if it works this time.
In 2040 the Olympic Games could come to Germany.
Munich were also.
As soon as financial overthrow again gains the upper hand over the expertise.
Many if the costs no longer remain with the executing city and the profits with the IOC.
When I voted in Hamburg, I also voted against the Olympic Games. I do not see that I should finance a performance show of the pharmaceutical industry organized by corrupt officials with my taxpayers.
Oh, my God! What has all gone wrong in your life, that you are so banishing the peaceful games into the mud?
But the summary (2nd paragraph) is disgusting.
Because it hits the nail on the head?
I’m not suggesting anything to the pharmaceutical industry. The coaches and sportsmen operate the abuse first of all and that there is nothing without doping in the top of the world, especially when it comes to conditioning and strength, the sparrows whistle from the roofs. The monitoring system against doping is so transparent and ridiculous that it is too easy to handle. The Doping Supervisors themselves complain that they cannot control them completely inadequately due to lack of money. It is also known that extensive state doping is being carried out in China. And if the athletes get caught as before all the Chinese swimmers enough a cheap excuse to get the thing under the table.
Moreover, I assume that there are also dopings in latitude….but only in individual cases. This, for example, is traded in muckibuden with appropriate means, is nothing new.
And that a whole series of sports officials are corrupt, the sparrows whistle from the roofs.
You can close your eyes and push the whole issue (for which I don’t even cheat on you in return), I can’t.
Without the pharmaceutical industry, I wouldn’t be in the world and you probably wouldn’t be any more.
Uncovering and addressing maladministration is one thing, but putting crimes (body injury) into the mind is underground.
You obviously don’t fit the Olympics, that’s okay. But you can’t get far with your attitude to the bad guy. You condemn the huge number of hobby sportsmen and set this peaceful meeting under general thought, especially as soon as Germany would have organized it. I don’t think that’s good.
But thanks for the openness.
Would the majority of the population be to finance such a mega-annulment?
Many factors play a role, not least the competition of other countries, who also like to align the games, or the standing of Germany within the IOC. And finally also the acceptance of the population in the applicant cities in Germany. Here, in referendums, an application was rejected due to the high costs, the follow-up costs, but also the conditions that the IOC demands from the applicants.
For 2024, the DOSB wants to submit an application, with the applicant city or region not yet being established. Berlin survives to submit an application for 2036, 100 years after the Nazi games in Berlin. But this is still open.
Unfortunately, no one can say when there are again Olympic Games in Germany. I would personally be very pleased if a German city would once again apply and then also get the supplement. Would be a very nice experience
Leipzig was flashed in 2012.
The last Olympic spuele was in Germany in 1972, a good 52 years ago.
There are various initiatives to bring Olympia back to Germany. However, this is associated with high costs.
Germany is planning an application for the games 2036 or 2040.Ob but this is still a question.The last Olympic Games in Germany found in 1972 in Munich stat!
In Munich and Kiel!
Probably no longer because acceptance in Germany is very low.
There were also citizens’ decisions in Munich and Hamburg, where the population specifically opposed an application.
It is important to convince the population. Of course, that’ll be difficult.
The last Olympic games were in Germany in 1972… in Munich, and so exactly can no one say that this is going to happen or not?
No, because you can’t accidentally trigger what city this is being carried out. Imagine landing in Vaduz or Luxembourg or Iceland. There are hardly any sports Olympia conforms that can be carried out. The plants are missing. cities I believe and from which will be
Normally, not getting lean, but the most suitable city gets the supplement.
In Munich and Kiel!
Yes, then
You forgot in Munich in 1972. Nevertheless, it will probably still need some time until here again is Olympia.