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Mostly on Christmas Eve, December 24th. On the day the tree is decorated and the last preparations are made. In the evening there will be festive food and finally there is a conciliation!
The other holidays are then of course still Christmas, but rather relaxed further days in the circle of the family.
Okay, not really in the morning of the 25th, but throughout the day.
The 24th is with us in the family classic preparation day, some have to work there, things are prepared for Christmas dinner the next day, earlier the tree was erected and decorated and it went to the church. Therefore there also classical potato salad with sausages as food, you can prepare and then go quickly.
The actual holiday, with delicious food and much more relatives was always the 25.12..
not because it does not have Christianity in itself.
Is a singer a bit stupid, he had celebrated Christmas at Easter
of 24.12. there is good tasty eating, usually duck or gans and for the children there is scoring. of 25.12. again visit at oma with coffee and cake and on 26.12 is rest day
so there are gifts on holy evening but is celebrated with us also on the 2 Christmas days with the rest of the family 😀
We are celebrating Christmas on the 25th and 25th. 26. On 24.12. is Holy evening and there comes the Christ Child, brings gifts and the concersion takes place.
Since my father has been retired, Christmas is totally relaxed on 24.12.
Of course the 25th and 26th December 🎄✨
21. Dec. Where I would not declare “a sip of honey wine” as a celebration
… on 25.12 and 26.12. Christmas.
We celebrate with the family very classically with scaling and common food.
On Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day 2.
And on the 25th and on the 26th and then fortunate Christmas is over
Yeah, always there.
Must work and be alone.
I’m sorry for you!
Celebrate with your colleagues in the break😃 Perhaps what nice to eat together if the possibility is to
I have no colleagues it is a single workstation, the layers unfortunately go partly up to 14 hours;/
Make the best of it, I know that too.
I’ve always had some gingerbreads and a 15cm Christmas tree.
I’m sorry. And eating at work is not allowed
In this sector, the course is and about 90% of the jobs are single jobs.
You can’t work alone in a company…
But there are already such jobs, I watch a large industry enquiry on which is not worked during holidays, well and due to personal magic I am divided from 24-30, in layers between 11-14 hours. Heads say stop, have no
Then take something special for the break.
You can’t work alone. What are you doing?
And on the other holidays with the other family members ubd friends.
Christmas is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd Christmas holiday, Christmas Eve is an independent day, the last day of Lent. That’s why it’s really wrong to feed.
We usually celebrate Christmas Eve on 24. Okober…
Oh, what, honestly?
Ne, sry was a joke, of course on 24.12.
It’ll be Christmas every day. I hope you don’t mean that seriously… If you celebrate 2 months of Christmas, it’s a normal day.
Yeah, tomorrow’s a normal day…
Why is your survey option 0%?
You also had “when clicked quite differently.” I made a proof video. There were 0% in the survey
Thank you..
Okay, XD, happy Christmas!
Ne reading upstairs was just a joke haha