Wann fängt Nachkriegszeit an und wann endet sie?
Ich habe im Internet vergeblich gesucht wann die Nachkriegszeit anfängt und wann aufhört.
Ich habe nur konkretes zum 2. WK aus deutscher Sicht gefunden.
Meine Frage ist aber konkret:
Wie lange ging die Nachkriegszeit in den USA nach dem 2. WK ?
Danke für eure Antworten.
Schönen Tag noch
King Schnitzel
Everyone can define how he wants.
In Germany, the war ended in May 1945, for Japan and the USA only in August.
For the United States, the end of the war was not as a change as in Germany. We had the Nazi dictatorship before the war; After the war, the land was in ruins, the occupying powers had the commands, apartments and food had to be distributed so that people could survive. And then, in the West, it went into a democracy.
In the USA, the country has remained the same. And in 1950 the states were involved in the next war in Korea.
I didn’t mean how long the war went, but how long the post-war period went.
There is no postwar period in the USA. And with us, everyone can define this for themselves until the post-war period goes. For some, it may go until the founding of the German states, for others, possibly until reunification.
Oh, okay, I misinterpreted that.
What I wrote was not aggressive from my side.
Oh, okay.
You improved me and it seemed very aggressive to me.
I didn’t get that. Show me where I criticized you for your ignorance.
Thank you.
I asked you, but you didn’t answer me, you immediately criticized me for my ignorance.
You have given a German source that writes for German readers. So it’s “our” postwar. As I wrote above: The US does not know the term. They write “after the Second World War” or “after the Korean War” or “while the Vietnam War”.
1. Is my source not Wikipedia but https://www.mus-verstand-lernen.de/index.php/jazz and two, it’s the same.
English Wikipedia says “after World War II”
Like I said, it’s cool jazz.
Show me an example.
So the life of the Americans continued normal after World War II?
Why do you say that Cool Jazz was invented in the post-war period?
It lasted until the middle of the 1960s
Okay, thank you.
I don’t know anything about the USA after the war.
In Germany, on the other hand, there was a post-war period which soon began to change after the “DM” was introduced (2.6.1948) and had reached its provisional goal with the economic miracle”.
The upturn in economic miracles was a highlight in 1964.
In 1965, economic weaknesses are shown for the first time.
As already mentioned, I don’t care at the moment as I don’t need this information at the moment, so this is an unnecessary answer.
Simple question – or perhaps only completely unnecessary?
That’s exactly what’s answered!
Here again for stupid/dich:
No, as I asked how long the post-war period after the 2nd WK, the United States of America lasted because I find nothing on the Internet.
No, I would like to know, as already mentioned in the question, not from Germany but from the USA!
What is so hard to understand?
You can’t answer my question, and you can’t give me any unnecessary information I’ve even given up as unnecessarily at this moment.
Now you’re also catching ‘discussions’ even though every normally thinking human soul understands that you’re shooting sacks that don’t fit into the context and that’s why you’re not needed.