wann fahren wo Züge?
Ich habe in der nähe von mir Gleise , bei denen ich mir sicher war das sie nicht benutzt werden, jetzt hab ich letztens einen Zug darauf gesehen. gibt es eine Website oder ähnliches auf der man sieht wann wo welche gleise genutzt werden?
Not that I know – from the tracks on the way.
You either have to know people on the train or calculate it from timetables yourself – and you don’t get to the goods traffic.
This certainly also has safety reasons. If I remember correctly, the track has also taken the live tracking page back from the network where you could see the live position of the passenger trains on the map.
In principle, it can also be relatively irrelevant, as you do not get up to the railways – much too dangerous and therefore forbidden.
Even if trainee spotters liked this information.
And even unused tracks (are then completely rusted) can sometimes be used.
Used are bare.