Wann den Notruf wählen?

Ich (Alter 19), wollte fragen was man bei dollen Suizidgedanken machen kann, wenn sie immer stärker werden. Ich will nicht den Notruf wählen und dann Ärger von den Sanitäter bekommen, sollte es noch akuter werden, aber warum sagen einige, dass man den Notruf bei akuter Gefahr rufen soll? Was bedeutet ,,akute Gefahr” in Hinblick auf Suizidgedanken?

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8 months ago

Try to distract yourself:

Sports, thoughts writing up, calling, drawing, walking, talking, listening to music, reading, reading, showering, decorating, bathing, baking/cooking, pets?, learning languages, music, puzzles, television, Sudoku, making household, singing, listening to the podcast, shocking, sleeping, writing things to you joyfully…

Think about a clinic, that’s nothing bad and nothing to be ashamed of!

Are you in therapy? If you don’t find a therapist, if you can talk about it!

I wish you a lot of luck on your way, you can do that, it will be better!

8 months ago

You have to choose the emergency call or jmd different for you. There’s help out there. Also for you!!!!

8 months ago

As soon as you think you have to call the emergency call for suicide thoughts – do that.

You’d rather get “on the lid” or you’ll have to pay the ride yourself instead of not being able to call.
