Wann bin ich krank genug?

Bezogen auf Anorexie.
bin im untergewichtig, mache täg. sechs Stunden Sport (manchmal 12) war schon in Klinik und muss nochmal, dort fast Sonde. Dennoch fühle ich mich nd krank, geschweige denn krank genug.
also wann bin ich es (zum Beispiel bmi)? Und ab wann darf ich Recovery beginnen?

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1 month ago

It is a sign of magnificence that you don’t feel sick, but still think that you’re too fat, even if you may already hang on the probe.

Only when one sees the disease and realizes that one actually dies a slow death, then one wants to change it – even if one does not succeed in it.

from when can I start recovery?

Why not now, what’s keeping you from it?

1 month ago


There’s no sick enough. If you’re sick, you’re sick.

You can always start recovery. The sooner the better.

LG Zitro 🍋

1 month ago

Hello Maria668👋

You’re sick, there’s no “sick enough” for the medicine or doctors to apply other standards than your feeling.

You’re underweight, doing excessive sports, the doctors see a treatment need, you have a eating disorder that has been treated.

1 month ago


You’re sick enough. I know the thoughts so well. The BMI doesn’t care. It’s not a weight loss. I’d like to do something to make you feel better, but I don’t know how. May I ask how old you are because if you don’t want to go back to the clinic and over 18, you can’t actually force yourself. Unless it is life-threatening. But sometimes it’s better to get healthy at home because you don’t have other eating disorders around you, etc.

And that with recovery. I also think I can’t. But it’s never too early! You can do this!

1 month ago

Underweight people must not do sports. You’re pretty sick and you should go to a clinic voluntarily.

1 month ago

You’re sick enough.

1 month ago

You are sick enough, the thought alone is sick enough