Wann benutzt man integer?
Thema sql, informatik
Thema sql, informatik
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Integer or “int” are integers. So 1, 2, 3 without comma. If you try to define the number 3.5 as an integer, that will either not work or possibly. lead to a rounding or cutting of the comma values – depending on the system or programming language.
Integer is a data type. You can learn more about the topic with this keyword. For example, here:
Integer also means a memory size at the same time. Honestly, I don’t know if this is the case with any system. But for SQL/ mySQL the size of a value is limited depending on the data type. This can also be seen in the table in the link – but I am not sure whether there are differences between SQL and mySQL.
Integer is used in database, for example as counter. For example, in user databases, if someone has to specify his age in years (which, of course, is calculated using a date of birth). Or simply as an ID. As a rule, a line of a database table has an ID column in which each entry has its own number – just an ID that is an integer.
Integer is generally the English name for an integer, so you also use Integer exactly for it.
If you want to save integers.