Wann beginnt Nikotin-Entzug?

Ich rauche seit 12/13 Uhr nicht mehr (also ca. 7-8 Stunden). Meine Frage ist, wann der Entzug beginnt, also ab wie vielen Stunden.

Möchte mit dem Rauchen aufhören und mich auf den Entzug gefasst machen.


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1 month ago

Since you are TABAKSÜCHTIG as a smoker and not nicotine addictive, you will of course not have a nicotine withdrawal. You’re taking your body away from the RAUCHEN and that’s what he’ll ask sooner or later if you’re actually addicted and smoking isn’t just a habit.

1 month ago

Hello rice paper, 👋

When does nicotine withdrawal begin?

Not at all.

Because it doesn’t look for nicotine, or

-depends on, logically

no nicotine withdrawal.


the individual expert

Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer

University of Graz

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


The classification of nicotine

as addiction of

Current literature

not supported [8]!!️



Nicotine- Really Dangerous?


I have not smoked since 12/13 (about 7-8 hours). My question is when the withdrawal begins, so how many hours.

Would you like to stop smoking and take me to the retreat.

You have at most a tobacco withdrawal

and anyway a habitual deprivation!

LG 🙋🏻

1 month ago

Nicotin’s getting out of here. It is converted into cotinin in the liver. First symptoms can begin after 2 hours. After 4 hours, the nicotine is largely degraded and it will probably result in symptoms.

These would be:

  • Carving (request, similar to hunger at meal)
  • Increased appetite
  • Migraine
  • Smooth
  • Impact disorders
  • Clogging

These symptoms disappear after 3-14 days. Depends on how long and how much you consume.

LG 👍

1 month ago

From the first second and about 3 days but mentally lasts much longer

1 month ago

Relax, real comic withdrawal appearances are usually not too big a problem with nicotine. The problem is the habits.

1 month ago

Depending on how much you smoke, you’d notice it after 1-2 hours.

1 month ago

At the latest tomorrow. If you’re lucky, you don’t notice.

1 month ago

It takes only 3 days, the rest is the problem in the head.

Get toothpicks and sweets :


Good luck!