Wann begann BMW die Entwicklung des 5er E60?
Das Fahrzeug kam Mitte 2003 auf den Markt
Das Fahrzeug kam Mitte 2003 auf den Markt
Hallo, ich fahre einen Seat Ibiza 6L und ich wollte mir auf Ebay Kleinanzeigen Felgen kaufen. Die sind aber für den Seat Ibiza 6L FR. Die zufahren sollte ja eigentlich kein Problem sein. Sind 17 Zöller. Aber der Verkäufer hat keine Papiere (bsp. ABE oder Teilegutachten. Es sind Original Felgen die auch eine Teilenummer haben.Kann…
Ist das zu viel für 37,500 tsd Euro E400 Coupé voll scheckheft die km Anzahl ist etwas hoch aber der Wagen ist top unfallfrei usw hat auch alles
Hallo zusammen, wie weit darf das Auto beim parken abstand zum Bürgersteig haben.
Ich will jetzt endlich mal mein arsch hochkriegen und ich melde mich bald für die Theorie Prüfung an. Die letzte Unterrichts Stunde hatte ich im März letztes Jahr. Ist der Abstand schlimm? Und ist die Prüfung schwer? Was kam so dran
Hallo, ich möchte mir ein günstigen Erstwagen holen, der noch ein paar Jahre möglichst ohne große Reparaturen auskommt. mein Budget ist ca 2500-3000€. Ich dachte an einen Toyota Corolla 1.6 Sol mit 110 PS Baujahr 2002. Die bei Mobile haben oft ca 130.000km gelaufen und kosten so um die 2500€. Wäre das gut? Hier ein…
This depends on the components. The engine in the early E60 was developed, for example, already in the 1990s, it still comes from the predecessor E39.
Four to five years before, requests from suppliers begin. First developments far earlier.
Find that fascinating because the car looks pretty timeless/modern. The E90 was even built until 2013 and is oriented – especially in the interior – on the larger E60. That this look has already been created in the 90s is madness
When the E39 development was completed around 1992, the tool release was carried out and the pre-series production started, the Desinger and engineers, because E60 first “thought” and the “Packet” then waited for the start of production of the E39 and the first customer reactions and then the MOPF/Facelift of the E39 with the coming E60 in the eye. On the facelift of the E39 around 1998, the E60 decided thing was the drive technology in part already in the E39 MOPF and it was because prototype construction and testing then you need 2 years until the car “stands” then comes the tool production or tool release and the pre-series based on manufactory. The plans and notes of the E60 migrated from the table to the vaults or shredders and the plans of the F10 were approached. But during the time, the same people also made other BMW at the same time, so to speak, they always keep all the “models” in the pepline at the same time because they have platform overlaps.
Because the badest job the designers have the need to know what could be “mode” in 10 to 15 to years and they then have to “box” their great design against the other departments because each department has other requirements and lastly comes the cost controller and puts everything that costs “too much”. At the end, the elegant design piece becomes a non-shaped soap because the design must also work. What is explained is why after the descent of the Reitzle the Reitzle always looked “slower” the Reitzle had taste and because designers kept his back free. And the Reitzle drove as well as racers and screwed on cars….
And if you have bad luck comes after the tool release of the board and want a chrome-gloss cover bar on the cooler grill because the car otherwise looks too ashamed/cheapy and all departments need to spare a few cents again. And as a result of the action “turn” the cars at the Elchtest around because a few euros per car were saved in the chassis and there was no time to test this before. Or even the same executive board finds that the coming top class is far too expensive/warming (ergo unprofitable) and is too “unsporty” or fat and because customers probably don’t get good even though market research has lowered millions of amounts to determine the customer potential accurately. Stamps the post-developments and wants to have the upper class implemented as a flawed middle class in record time. In the crash test, one finds that there was a programming error in the computer program and one has to build up the middle class with a new front-carriage platform even though the production tools were already in work and one could no longer change the outer skin. In the end, the debacle cost more than a complete new construction, but the Chairman of the Board of Management went privately Oldtimer and Porsche. Next catastrophe was that the new top class on the export market and because super-rich was not good and many were too small, just as it had been determined by market research years before. In addition, the car was “bad” or the worst of the class even Lexus and VW was better and pulled over the old customers of the top class. What makes the board of directors he builds the old upper class into a luxury car to fill the market gap from “top” although the in-house market research has led to a different or more discreet approach. And also this luxury class flopped the super rich bought a VW in the Bentley costume or a BMW in the Rolls Royce costume. The existing customers could not afford the “Unding” or that was too pompous, baroque, poppy, monkey or Schrill.
Since 2000, development cycles have been possible by 3 years or the owners/returners want to do so in large complex cars, they still need 4-5 years. Up to the 90s, the prototype had to be on the go for at least 2-3 years to produce some secure forecasts for 10-12 years and get all possible and impossible bugs. Today, there are virtual prototypes that simulate and cars stand on hydropulser roads in weather chambers and wind down 1000km/day from Siberia to Africa or even hours of continuous gas until what breaks or explodes.
In addition, a “new” car is rarely completely redeveloped and the car manufacturers have already invested the last decades million engineering hours in the foundations. In the meantime, more budget for electronics and software will be used in the KFZ development than for hardware.