Wann Autoführerschein (Stress)?
Ich bin 17 Jahre alt geworden und gehe in die 11.Klasse. Ein paar meiner Freunde machen schon einen Autoführerschein und ich überlege auch einen machen zu wollen weil meine Eltern mich die ganze Zeit damit unter druck setzten. Ich kenne mich mit Autos, Verkehr echt kaum aus weil ich auch im Dorf nur bisschen Fahrrad fahre und zur Schule laufe. Ich habe mehrere sorgen..
erstens wird der Führerschein immer teurer. Also jetzt schon 500Euro mehr als vor 2Monaten und ich überlege ein Jahr noch zu warten damit ich meine Freunde die schon einen Führerschein haben nach Rat zu fragen weil ich eben so unerfahren bin und da wahrscheinlich due ganze Zeit reinackern muss um mitzuhalten. Vllt sinkt der Preis dann auch.
You’ll be all year round. Make your choices alone! All alone! Sure you can get some advice. But you should decide Lead certificate yes/no never leave others. Don’t let yourself be put under pressure! Tell everyone who makes pressure that you can decide alone – and will!
So I wouldn’t bet that the prices will be cheaper again, I think they’ll go further… Before I made my driving license, I had no idea of traffic and car driving (the only sign I felt was the stop sign). But if you take some care of the theoretical lessons, you actually understand everything and don’t have to “learn” great, so I just took this license app for help. Even when driving in yourself, you start at zero, was the same with me, but in the end (or should I think) you have to learn it sometime. But if you don’t want to do it with 18, of course, it’s all right, I did mine with 18.
Have you ever been thinking?
How do you want to be mobile after school?
If you study or start training, you’ll have to go there somehow!
Everything will become more expensive or can you call somewhere a period in the last 20 years in which the driving costs have fallen?
You’re in 11. So, not really a depp about learning.
Would you like to make the driving licence together with the Abistress?
As it reads, you’ll probably get all paid for your first car. So more comfortable never goes!
Thank you so much for opening my eyes. I will sign up and prepare myself soon
Rather the opposite will probably be the case.
What do you want? Do you want to start NOW? Or do you want to know? Do you want to make a driving licence?
Also an important requirement: Do you have the possibility to finance the driver’s license? Or do your parents pay?
There will probably be 2,500 to 3,000 €, and an additional buffer will not hurt.
Probably not.
Asking a driver’s license for a council is not just a target.
That’s what the driving instructor is there to teach you.
If your parents push you to the driver’s license, they’re supposed to pay you for it.
Waiting brings nix