Wann anfangen zu schminken?
Hallo, ich bin jetzt 13 Jahre alt und verwende nur einen abdeckt Stift als Make-up und manchmal aber selten auch so eine durchsichtige Mascara.
wann habt ihr euch angefangen zu schminken?
ich finde mit 13 ist es normal sich ein bisschen auszuprobieren mit Schminke. Auch wenn es nur Zuhause ist
und verwende ich zu viel oder zu wenig für mein Alter? Was denkt ihr?
was könnte ich noch kaufen und welche Produkte würdet ihr mir empfehlen ?
It doesn’t matter how much makeup you use. Of course, you can use even more but nothing.
I started to melt with twelve and also with much more, but I think that’s just different and as long as you’re satisfied everything is good.
Thank you
With 13 what you described is completely ok! From 15, 16, I would allow it as a mother to carry more. As long as it looks halfway natural, I think it’s okay. Once you grow up, you can do what you want.
As a good drugstore make up, I recommend:
Sky High Mascara by Maybelline
Trend !t up Concealer or Soft Glam Filter by Catrice
As a Lipgloss, the one from Essence is really super
At nail polish I can recommend the one from Manhattan
If you prefer more qualitative products, you need to save a little more and go to Sephora or Douglas. Not everything that is expensive is equally good.
Love greetings:)
Oha full of love thank you for recommending me so much 😊😊😊
hii, that’s good but just try it out. I would recommend brown mascara. And good but cheap skin care. And use IMMER Lip Gloss makes everything better.
Of course you don’t want to read, but: not at all.
Okay thanks for your feedback
Always happy!
But aren’t you a boy?
I’m a boy.
So I got relatively many pimples, about with 13 but I’m still m. I think you can use top cream or something, but that whole other stuff isn’t. So lipstick, eyeliner, eyelashes, you don’t need anything. Of course, still looks best. Only my opinion
I never did. I’d never get rid of it if I had it – it’s just making it worse. Apart from that, you obviously didn’t read my comment from below. It’s about that.
I’m glad you see that, but I have a question…
When did you start getting pimples?
because I have since I have 10 small pimples and rednesses and I know this is totally normal but as a girl you always want to look pretty and well-kept and therefore make girls (of course not all) skincare and melt
because they find themselves more beautiful and more confident
End after 6 minutes and 16 seconds hug
What is it?
Of course, that’s normal I’ve already been slightly reduced with 12
Everything else is unnatural and chemical
I absolutely understand that one sees that the majority does it and therefore does not want to be an “outsider”. But fact is, it’s absolutely unnecessary if you don’t have catastrophic unpure skin and want to hide it.
no but you don’t even know how a girl feels and it’s now that you’re interested in puberty for makeup that’s quite normal or not 😅🤔
I also find unpainted better
I’ve been wearing Full face makeup since I’ve been 9 and don’t walk out of the house!
You need:
I mainly use Loreal’s products, so you don’t do anything wrong with nail polish from Essie
male 22
I think you shouldn’t taste yourself.