Wall color?
fat difference bad??
Hello, I need a mirror for a project. It should be 2 to 2.5 cm wide and about 4 cm long. Thank you in advance
Hello, does it make sense to use intensive hair color that has only been in your hair for 2 days? The problem is that I had only intensively tinted my hair, which had been dyed and bleached several times, instead of dyeing it brown, to protect it. The lengths were light blonde and there they…
Hey, I wanted to ask what grade you would give this picture. I'm in 9th grade at a comprehensive school.
I felt like drawing and so I drew what I do best: wolves. Well, I'm not entirely satisfied with the drawings yet and wanted to ask if you have any suggestions or tips for improvement. I know the drawings aren't that nice, but like I said, I just scribbled away.
Hello, can I drill through wood with metal screws because I would like to attach a wooden block to the scooter axle
Hello, I'd like to make a flag. Can I simply dye fabric (e.g., https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/ditte-meterware-weiss-60206098/) with spray paint (e.g., https://www.obi.de/buntlack-sprays/obi-buntlack-spray-enzianblau-hochglaenzend-150-ml/p/3468436) ? Or do you have any other tips regarding fabric and dyeing?
This is a cosmetic problem. It’s just as bad as it bothers you.
I find the black one in the corner more worrying. mold?
If it bothers you:
White is not white and the white can even slightly deviate from color imper to color imperfection of the same variety.
Here is a hint how to avoid such problems:
If there is a risk of emptying the buckets during petting, then not start with the wall, but:
The jam glasses are designed to improve the corresponding walls. What remains is to be stored standing on the lid. Could be helpful if something has to be painted later.
How to see which color it is
Use colour boxes.
It’s in the building market.
No. Even if this is not the shading, the light incident only suggests,
from Alpina Reinweiss in a few weeks in the corners, in the vicinity of radiators or via open fireplace/fireplace oven a certain shade of gray will occur.
My most loved one would like to make everything new every year, just to whistle in a few months.
Clinically pure and white does not fit to a rustic furnishings and heating in an old building with low ceilings.
Heating with a wood stove .
hsb only heating
I wouldn’t delete it completely once again. On the one hand, the thicker layer of paint likes to leave the plaster, or the smeared wallpaper loses your structure and then everything has to go down.After a few months, you will no longer see any difference from the current shade.
You mean the stripe in the corners? At least it falls on
Below ..? Is it doesn’t find the same sound
The shadow?