Hallo zusammen, habe vor gut 5 Jahren angefangen mich etwas mit dem Outdoor Bereich zu beschäftigen.
Einfach im Wald und der Natur sein, dort kochen und einfach dem Alltag entfliehen.
Mittlerweile ist es so das sich mein Interesse mehr auf das wandern an sich verlagert hat? Dazu benötige ich ein paar Tipps, denn ich möchte gerne leicht unterwegs sein und effizient. Derzeit habe ich einen Rucksack von Wisport(2,6kg leer) und Lowa Renegade Schuhe (1180gr).
Ich suche einen leichten aber sehr robusten Rucksack, gerade am Rücken sollten Schienen oder ein Netz sein.
Mitnehmen möchte Trinkflasche/Filter/leichte Nahrung/Erste Hilfe Set/Eine Jacke oder Pulli.
Schuhe benötige ich noch leichte aber sehr robuste Schuhe und welche die nicht über den Knöchel gehen.
Für Tipps, Idden usw wäre ich dankbar
Hello, you have to try out which one fits well. 2.6 kg is empty but too much. My 45L has 1.5kg empty. Believe me in long hikes you notice every kilo.
I’ve been away from boots for a long time. Light trail running shoes go much better. It’s logical. Fat boots weigh quickly and easily over 1kg. This means you have to drag this weight with each step. In addition, I find that you can find better and easier in difficult terrain because you are more agile. I think Salomon has good shoes here that deaf.
I’d advise you to a drinking bubble. Then don’t always have to put the backpack down or stroll around if you want to take a sip. Besides, she doesn’t weigh much empty. Have a 3 L bubble with longer walks.
As a proviant, I usually take nuts, student food and dry meat with and fruit, which can be raised during the hike.
Have you thought about tours? I would like to run this year’s canyon walk and possibly alpine crossing.
many thanks to 🙏 for the tips. I wanted to go to the Tegernsee. You should be very nice there.
Then I recommend going into an outdoor business and testing the backpacks in a corresponding size with corresponding “weights”. We don’t know which backpack sits well on your back. It’s like shoes, he’s got to “pass” you.
Back-to-back backpacks are available, for example, from Deuter.
The Lowa Renegade is already a light hiking shoe for not too heavy terrain. Only normal sneakers are even easier.
Trailrunning shoes go great. Don’t weigh. I’m just going to go hiking even on longer routes. I can only recommend. Much more comfortable than with boots or conventional hiking boots. And not only on well-established ways.
I was the first time I made it skeptical. Meanwhile, I don’t want to wear anything else to hike.
Look at this Deuter Val Gardena or Moorhead Zermatt on. Both are day backpacks. They are actually very similar.
Generally speaking, for entry into hiking:
But you might have come that far. But for those who also deal with it, this link is also:
What’s that backpack? How do you use it? What you’re writing sounds like day trips for me.
With me, the most used backpacks in the multi-day area (25-30 l for MTB, 40 l for high-tour) have a net weight of 1.2 kg. 2.6 kg is already damn heavy and probably not necessary. If you’re on your way for just one or two days, you’ll have 20 l. My 22 l climbing backpack, which is also well suited for day trips, has just over 500 g of empty weight, but does not have a rail or net, but what you do as a criterion. (manufacturers and type names of the backpacks are available on request, but I don’t want to advertise with it now).
As far as shoes are concerned, you certainly don’t do much wrong with the renegade. This is a pretty popular all-rounder. If you want to be easier on the go, you should look around on trail running shoes. It’s all right for the flatland forest. In the high mountains only people should resort to trail running shoes that definitely know what they do.
If you don’t know how exactly a backpack has to be, let yourself be advised in a business. Especially people over 1.80m or under 1.70m have to pay attention to the back length, otherwise the backpack never sits right. If the backpack is cut too small, the chest strap hangs on the neck. If it is too large, the carriers are too high and cannot support. Depending on the model, I even need the women model (Deuter “SL”, Lowe Alpine “ND”, Tatonka “W”)
Deuter always indicates the back length and body size in its backpacks. They also have very good ventilation system and they can be found in every store in Germany. I can give you a flat-rate Trail Series (with contact back, “rails”). The 30Liter weighs just under 1100gram and has large additional access to the main compartment. The counterpiece with net back would be the Futura series.
I use for smaller tours with accommodation or for family trips Deuter Guide 34+. In the series (velcro backpacks) you can remove the hip belt completely.
Other manufacturers such as Osprey or Lowe Alpine do not always separate contact backs and net backs.
In the direction I have Brutting Mount Crillon low. Vibram sole, price performance is right, very handy, and the shoe is quite water repellent to call, but in summer it is too warm. The pair weighs about 800grams. Have already several Brütting shoes and they are aged after several years of dirt, snow and mud only visually recognizable. Only for day trips definitely get a number bigger.
But again…the selection is great, the tastes different, and there often only helps: from in the store. In contrast to the electric markets, outdoor outfitters usually have sellers from the practice that the products themselves use.
Let yourself be advised in a good business. The sellers there are also very often hikers/ athlete and can advise you competently.
Take the girlfriend, one must carry the backpack.