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1 year ago

Apple Pay only simplifies payment processing at the cash register. However, the money still goes off the credit card, so the foreign fees are also due.

Find out the exact costs of your credit card Exhibitor or Bank. Maybe there are other payment options that don’t cost anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  HeinzHubert

I think the question was directly related to Australia, where time and again hits are calculated from the store when you shop there with card.

1 year ago

My experience: fixed 2.50 AUD fees I haven’t seen anywhere. In the supermarket, at McDonald’s and many other shops you can pay without extra charge with card. Many smaller shops or hotels, however, want to have a fee in case of card payment.

This fee is limited to the most important payment cards and is between 0.5 and 1% of the total. But as I said, this does not make all shops, but quite a certain number of shops. And there’s no difference between paying by Apple Pay.

In doubt, cash helps to pay if it is offered.

Card surcharges | ACCC