Wahrscheinlichkeit zwei mal ähnliche pin?

Hallo meine Frau und ich haben uns heute folgende Frage gestellt.

Sie ist bei der volksbank und hat ihre pin (z.b. 3677)

Nun haben wir ein gemeinsames Konto bei der Sparkasse eröffnet und sie hat bei ihrer Karte dann die pin (3688) bekommen.

Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass diese pin Kombination bei 2 verschiedenen Instituten ausgeben wird ?

Die pin Nummern sind natürlich nicht die echten aber in unserem Fall sind die ersten beiden Ziffern gleich und die letzten zwei um 11 höher.

Zwischen der Eröffnung der Konten liegen mehrere Jahre. Vielleicht ist das für die Berechnung relevant.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit bei einer 4 stelligen pin ist ja 10 hoch 4 aber eine identische pin bei zwei Konten auf dem selben namen überschreitet unsere mathematischen Fähigkeiten dann doch 🥲😅

Über eine Antwort würden wir uns freuen.

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11 months ago

The probability for two identical PINs is 1:10.000 (probably even slightly higher because I assume that not all numbers are awarded from 0000 to 9999).

The probability for two PINs with two identical digits at the first two digits is 1:100.

Now it is necessary to define what is called “similar” in order to continue to reckon – but as unlikely as the spontaneous materialization of a petunie and a pottery is not.

11 months ago

You have the pin abcd, then there are 100 other pins that also start off.

In total there are 10000 pins (if all are awarded), the probability of getting one of these 100 is therefore 100/10000 = 1%.

That’s not so small. Imagine you have 100 married couples who each apply for a PIN for each of the two partners. Then one would expect the two first digits to match one pair.

11 months ago

Of course it is possible.

The numeric komi aren’t infinitely possible – just at 4 numbers.

11 months ago

That it seems quite likely that at 10,000 possibilities two people get the same PIN is uncertain at first sight.

In fact, however, the matching bank card also needs. And if I remember correctly, the card is locked and/or pulled in by the machine after three failures.

11 months ago

There are theoretically 10,000 possibilities – at least if 0000 and all other combinations are also awarded. No matter which number one PIN has, the probability that the other is the same is 1:10.000. If you think that in a small town with 50,000 inhabitants there may be 50,000 cards (because some have one or more), then 5 of people will have the same PIN as you.

11 months ago

there are at four places maximum 10000 possible combinations, at 85 million Germans, of which certainly have more than half an account, some even more, each individual pin appears several thousand times.

11 months ago
Reply to  Hafnafir

You can not calculate the probability because the numbers are not completely random, but are freely selectable in many cases.

11 months ago


11 months ago
Reply to  RStroh

No. The first pin you can choose freely, only when selecting the second PIN it becomes interesting.

11 months ago

It’s like having two equal pins. Except 0000 also applies. Then it is 1:100000000

11 months ago

No. What you calculate is the probability that both have a specific PIN. So: The probability that both have the PIN 3456 is

Person A has the PIN 3456 = 1/10000

Person B has the PIN 3456 = 1/10000, so total: p = 1/100000000

But the probability that both have the same PIN is

Person A has some PIN = 1

Person B has exactly this PIN = 1/10000.

You can also explain it like this: I look at the couples (PINA, PINB).

There are 10000 variants for PINA and 10000 variants for PINB, i.e. a total of 100000000.

There is exactly one pair in which both have the PIN 3456, namely (3456, 3456), therefore the probability is 1/100000000.

But there are 10000 couples in which both have the same PIN, namely

(0000, 0000)

(0001, 0001)

(0002, 0002)

(9999, 9999).

The probability that both have the same PIN, therefore 10000/100000 = 1/10000.

10 months ago

Of course, four-digit PNs are not exclusive. You also only work GEMEINSAM with the map.