Wahrscheinlichkeit mit dem Flugzeug abzustürzen?

Hallo😰, wir wollen in den Sommerferien nach Sizilien fliegen mit der Eurowings. Meine Mutter hat heute zu mir gesagt, der Flug ist jetzt gebucht. Dann habe ich ein bisschen über die Eurowings recherchiert und gesehen dass es glaube ich eine Billigfluggesellschaft ist und das die Sicherheit dadurch riskiert wird. Über irgendwelche Abstürze mit der Eurowings habe ich nicht gefunden, wisst ihr etwas darüber? Und die Bewertungen waren auch ziemlich schlecht.

Aber mein eigentliches Problem ist, dass ich gerade richtig Angst davor habe in den Flieger steigen zu müssen, die Türen schließen sich und es gibt kein Zurück mehr. Ich habe einfach Angst, nachher in dem Flieger zu sitzen der dürch Betriebsausfall, einen doofen Piloten Oder sonstiges abstürzt. Ich meine alleine mir das Szenario vorstellen zu müssen, in dem Flieger zu sitzen der aus Tausend Metern Höhe in die Tiefe zu fallen und zu wissen gleich werde ich sterben, bereitet mir schon Gänsehaut.

Wo ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit am höchsten dass der Flieger abstürzt ggf. irgendwas Ähnliches passiert, da ja eine riesige Rauchwolke aufsteigen wird oder? Und wie wahrscheinlich ist es mit dem Flugzeug abzustürzen, gerade bei der Eurowings?

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6 years ago

I flew from Stuttgart to Vienna 2 weeks ago with Eurowings without any problems.

The most dangerous on a flight is the car ride to the airport.

6 years ago

Going across the street is more statistically dangerous than a flight trip.

6 years ago

So I am now incl. Flying back and forth about 50x and crashing exactly 0 times. Therefore, my personal statistical calculation is exactly 0%.
I also know no one from the acquaintance circle whose plane has crashed, so my 0% is reaffirmed.
This is what I have lived for years near Stuttgart Airport and there were never relevant incidents…

6 years ago

Eurowings – a Lufthansa Group company – has no crashes, so you can’t find anything.

Cheap does not mean “hazardous”. Ryanair as a typical low-cost carrier has no crash yet – like Eurowings.

Why do you even escape when you’re so scared? No one forces you to fly on holiday (you can also walk, swim, train, bus or car).

The likelihood of crashing with an aircraft is extremely low. According to the Federal Statistical Office, it is even about 20x smaller than to blur in the car.

In addition, the question is asked every summer, no, whenever holidays or holidays are, although the answers always remain the same (see for crashes, crashes, crashes etc.):

And again to your calming (I declare it always and again, but it does not seem to help):

The fact that a plane crashes somewhere in the world unfortunately occurs, but that the plane crashes, in which you are sitting, happens purely statistically every 18,000 years when you fly daily. So what?

By the way: more people around the world come to death by escalation than by plane crashes! (Source: The ultimate handbook of useless knowledge, dtv, 5th edition, page 29)

And: There are no doofen pilots! If they were doof (like most would-be skyscrapers here at GF ;-), they could not do their job and would not have survived all the tests.

There are only questioners who are not able to search – or too lazy – in the GF database for the appropriate answers.

6 years ago

An average of one billion kilometers per year was found in 2005 to 2009

  • in trams 2255 passengers,
  • in buses 1427 passengers,
  • in railways 274 passengers,
  • in passenger cars 406 passengers and
  • in aviation 32 people.

You see that driving to the airport is much more dangerous than flying in itself.

Now seriously there is nothing safer than flying and even on cheap airlines this is more than safe. So don’t worry

6 years ago

It doesn’t work so easily again, as the average trip lengths in the airplane are much longer than in all other means of movement. Once Thailand’s holiday is much more than the average car driving performance in Germany.

Of course, does not change the fact that flies – like all types of movement today – are very safe.

6 years ago
Reply to  Agentpony

This is a statistical nominal size which is regularly considered the most sensible. Of course, you could also create statistics by starting/ landing or by analogy by car. I’m guessing it would be similar.

Especially since the statistics given here are aimed at accidental and unkilled. If we were to take the latter, the plane would be at 0.003. The car at about 2.9.

6 years ago

You must not get too much into these fears and scenarios. A pilot has studied for years and gained many experiences. Accordingly, it cannot be inexperienced. In addition, at least two pilots are always sitting in the cockpit. The co-pilot can always intervene in a serious case. So-called air traffic controllers ensure that the aircraft can safely start and land.

Take a good book in the plane, listen to some music with headphones or work on another way. You could also take sleeping pills. After the flight you will find that it wasn’t that bad.

6 years ago
Reply to  MrNerd

Actually, a pilot has only made a practical training or several trainings and not studied.

Otherwise, I’ll see.

6 years ago
Reply to  Beamer97

I was studying in the sense of Gelernt.

6 years ago

Then definitely. Such a training is very expensive (from own pocket) but is also very exhausting and extensive

6 years ago

I’ll tell you something else that is at least as dangerous: you have to sleep the night before the trip. In bed. The ceiling of the apartment over your room could crash on you. Should this not happen, the car you drive to the airport could have an accident on the highway! Before that, a motorcycle that comes out of the road could go into you on the way to the car! You could also suffer a heart attack before you even get into the car.

Could, could and could.

Don’t! And with DEM feeling I’m going to a trip – even to ALL – answer! Nothing happened to MUSS. And this is usually the case!

6 years ago

I flew in March with Eurowings to Sicily – everything was okay.


  • Road is the horror! Think about it.
  • Many Sicilians are real piglets and outside of sites there are plenty of wild garbage
  • Look at the Villa Romana of Casale
  • Vesuv quite up costs 80 euros per nose – by car to station is also ok
  • Eurowings: second item of baggage cost me 70 Euro :’

Good luck:)

6 years ago
Reply to  StefanTrett

But the Vesuvius is not in Sicily, maybe you mean the Etna?

Or you mean the Vesuvius, but you weren’t in Sicily.

6 years ago
Reply to  roschue

Etna, of course, I Dummi :*)

6 years ago

I always fly with Ryanair. Also very cheap from prices ago. Never crashed. Chance is extremely low. The aircraft is considered to be safe transportation of the world

6 years ago

Don’t worry. In the end, only the service and not the security are saved. If the aircraft are not flightable, they are sorted out and replaced.


6 years ago

The likelihood naturally rises every day nothing happens. However, there can also happen on one day several misfortunes, there is no law of the series. From safety, I would say that you start with a German airline from a German airport. The likelihood of evacuating on the way to the airport is unequally higher.

6 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Why would the likelihood of an accident increase every day that nothing happens?

If I have a cube with 6 pages, the likelihood does not increase to cube a “6” just because I haven’t been throwing it since 30 litters. Each litter and every trip is an independent event.

6 years ago
Reply to  honigtopf3239

I have deliberately objected to my own answer. The first set was just to catch attention through a small shock.

6 years ago

In the case of Eurowings, the probability that the plane will not be lifted is currently significantly higher 😉

6 years ago

Here are some numbers:

For example, in 2015 there was a heavy airline accident per 3.1 million flights. The probability of being involved as a passenger in an aircraft catastrophe is therefore less than one hundred thousandth of a percent. Air safety experts like to call more vivid comparisons. This means, for example, that a passenger would have to fly for about 6,500 years every day until he dies of an aircraft accident. Or it is explained that the probability of being struck by a flash is about three times higher than that of a plane crash in Europe or the USA.

6 years ago


the number of deaths in air traffic accidents is 0.003 per 1 billion passenger kilometers. That’s 960 x less than the car.

So if you want 2,000 flies, the likelihood of dying on the way to the airport is higher if you would only drive 2.5 kilometers by car.

LG, Chris

Edit: Airlines that are classified as risky do not receive a start-up permit in Europe. But even those would be even safer than driving the car.

6 years ago

“Everything I have to imagine the scenario of sitting in the plane falling into the depth from a thousand meters high and knowing I will die, prepares me goose bumps.” – Excuse me, but WEM would not make the goose skin?

The point is only that you imagine a scenario (and that seems to fix) that HÖCHST is unlikely. There’s probably an outbreak of Etna. (Also a terrible idea of ending in glowing hot lava!)

The safety standards are not worse at Eurowings than with other international airlines.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tamtamy

Some time later:

I still like to accept a ‘thanks’ for my efforts. (:-)

6 years ago

The plane is the safest means of travel. In the ratio of passengers, a crash is possibly small. Every car ride is much more dangerous

6 years ago

The answer is always the same in such cases: the way to the airport is more dangerous.
And: airlines that are allowed to land in the EU are among the safest in the world. Including the Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings. Hello.

6 years ago

The journey to the airport is much more dangerous than the flight, especially when you drive by car and not by train.

6 years ago

Hey, the same we did through, but it was all good with us my parents also booked and then what was read about but then everything was good ☺️☺️

I wish you a lot

we are this year

6 years ago

Hello. Flying by plane is the safest means of transportation.

With greeting

Bley 1914

6 years ago

The probability of falling is low. It’s 2018 and they’ve probably flown 100 times. And you really think that your mother would risk your life to fly a little cheaper so I think it’s probably still very safe. My friends have flew with Adis Ababa Airline and are still alive today! That’s somewhere in Italy or… so it’s not far away anyway.

6 years ago

You don’t need to be afraid. It wouldn’t start a plane in Germany that wouldn’t be safe. I’ve been flying very often for my age and something has happened. From my acquaintance, I don’t know anyone who’s ever crashed. So enjoy the view and the great holiday with your family ^^

6 years ago

5-6 years ago a crashed that came even in the news as much as I know. Sorry don’t want to scare you or so because I’m afraid of flying myself

6 years ago
Reply to  kevinkev91
