Während der Schwangerschaft zum Konzert?
Morgen zusammen,
ich habe eine echt blöde Frage. Vielleicht kann mir ein oder der andere mir mal aufklären. Und zwar, ich bin Schwanger im 2. Monat und genau heute in ein Monat findet ein Konzert statt, wo ich unbedingt mit dabei sein will. Ich habe nur bisschen bedenken, ob es dem Kind bei diesem lauten Musik schaden kann oder mir selbst. Gibt es hier vielleicht einige Mamis, die während der SSW auf einem Konzert waren?
Bin da etwas verwirrt, weil ich war schon auf einige Konzerte, wo Hochschwangere auch teilgenommen haben. Vielleicht könnte mir jemand hier aufklären ob man das machen kann und ob es Risiken hier geben kann. Apropro ich habe Sitzplätze gebucht, falls es jemand interessiert.
Danke 🙂
I was at several concerts. You can’t make a recommendation. You notice very quickly if it doesn’t fit. I broke this one or the other time and left.
Certainly there is nothing more important than a concert visit during pregnancy. After all, these are the memories that your unborn child will remember later – the day when it was surrounded by loud circles and Mom really dried up again. I don’t see a problem, but unfortunately it’s probably not a classical concert that would make the child smarter. But as I said, I still wonder how to put a child into the world today.
I don’t think this is a problem. In the fruit water in the abdomen, the whole thing sounds much damper than you hear it.
then the child loves the music but then does not drink alcohol or snatch pills
There are always risks… 🤷 ♂️ But what if you don’t have any problems with pregnancy? I wouldn’t, of course, rush into the crowd, put right in front of the amplifier tower, but sit and go a little further? I don’t see a problem. Our bassist has made music even during her pregnancy and I mean to remember that she even appeared once. The child is very good today…
Here you can read:
in the early stage you can go easily. will not go in the middle.
Congratulations? To the further climate changer that preserves the great existence of people for the next 100 years?
That’s a quick judgement. Maybe it will be a climate glue
God as if you were an enrichment and that would change
Yeah, I want to die too, and you’re right. But now I’m here. Others still have options to decide
You can go!
It doesn’t hurt.