
Ich bin schon länger abhängig von tildidin und benzos. Ich konsumiere meistens noch tavors 2,5mgund xanax. Dirch andere bin ich jetzt schon öfter zu promethazin gekommen. Hab mir dann immer so 200-300mg innerhalb 3 stunden gegeben. Das problem ist immer wenn ich die mehme kriege ich 2 tage lang richtige Wahnvorstellungen sehe menschen die nicht da is und unterhalte mich teilweise auch mit den weil ich in dem Moment davon überzeugt sind das sie das sind. Auserdem kann ich fast nie richtig reden und hab dann richtige agressionen. An was kann das liegen ? Hat das was mit dem promethazin zu tun?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Promethazine is not harmless. Possible that there is a connection between your consumption and these symptoms. A clear warning, from your body to you.

Have you already considered doing something against dependency? If you want to, there are places that support you. Look here: https://mindzone.info/beratung/

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

Xanax is a tranquilizer, does not help with psychosis. And if that hurts you, you should take another drug.

1 year ago

You are the classic candidate for a necessary contact with drug counseling.

What do your parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, social contacts, peers say when you’re in your substance-triggered delusions for hours?

1 year ago

It’s not a miracle that you get from such a coctail delusions. Tilidine alone wouldn’t be so bad if you’re in pain and taking is temporary. But what you’re doing here is quite alarming. It’s certainly nothing new for you.

1 year ago

you experiment with drug and wonder about your wahn? xanax is the source of your wahn and aggressions, is a stupid one.