Wacht man einfach wieder größer auf?

Hallo, ich habe Skoliose mit 59 Grad.
Ich werde dagegen operiert und mein Arzt sagte, ich würde dann viel größer sein.
2 Fragen.

1. Titel

2.Wie viel größer werde ich dadurch sein, bin jetzt 181cm und habe Schuhgröße 46/47.

Ich habe in einem Beitrag gesehen, wo ein Mädchen 9 Grad mehr als ich hatte und nach der OP 11cm größer war.

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1 year ago

Hallo Melinda,

aber wegen der Größe läßt du dich nicht operieren – oder ?
So genau kann das sicher keiner hier sagen !

Du bist noch im Wachstum und könntest vielleicht noch
was zur Verbesserung der Skoliose über die Ursache beitragen.

Frage: Schläfst Du denn immer nur auf einer Seite ?
Gesicht zu Wand ? oder ins Zimmer gerichtet ?
Immer wieder gerne
und Dir alles Gute
opi ehrsam

Hallo Melinda,
versuch doch bitte die Seiten auch zu wechseln, um an der
Ursache anzusetzen und wie Du erwähnt hast auch mal auf
den Rücken zu schlafen, deine Knochen sind in der
Wachstumsphase noch relativ weich, ab 18 kannst du dann
nichts mehr erreichen !
Jede leichte Verbesserung ist es Wert und ist immer noch
besser als ein Korsett !
Auf welcher Seite hast du bisher geschlafen ?
Danke für die Ehrlichkeit !
PS 2:
Eine Umstellung wird immer ein Problem, dein Körper meldet
sich dann auch – aber es ist ein gutes Zeichen – bleibe Tapfer !

Am besten du fängst erstmals mit der Rückenlage an, das ist
schon mal eine Entlastung und dann gehst du auf die Linke.
Du schaffst es wenn Du es willst, ich drück Dir den Daumem !
Alles Gute

1 year ago
Reply to  MelindaPries

Hello Melinda,
Please try to change the pages.
Please see PS: in my reply

1 year ago

Has also nix to do with the pupil nix, such body deformations
need longer time, which is often already in children from the 8th Year
and earlier!

1 year ago

Sorry is also logical, the best therapy does not help in the long term,
that you know from people who follow again and again
problems as long as the cause persists, including
also falls the physiotherapist.
That’s what’s happening not for the questioner anyway! !

I know that from my life experience, the people
with hard mattress always restless, as if
Mattress, mattress and pillows to the sheep
are adapted.
So have bad arguments – just leave it and help here
dear the questioner, that’s GF there!

1 year ago

This is true with turning, but if the mattress and the pillows nix deaf, this is irrelevant.

1 year ago

Yes, science suspects that. Since the risk of progrease is the highest during the hormone conversion in puberty and alternating years.

Of course you should work against it. But always referring to sleeping is bullshit, because you don’t work against it. Especially since a healthy person turns zig times in sleep

I’m still waiting for the references to the study…

1 year ago

That’s half the truth again and yours “probably” you have
also no expressiveness.
It is also known in medicine, the hollow cross, scoliosis and the
Posture error Rundrucke in childhood Development and wartime
so that Why shouldn’t you prevent it? and try
to work. Nix other things are done with the corset.

I myself have a run press – and don’t regret my mother
Some learn lately when you are inexperienced!

1 year ago

However, it can benefit

1 year ago

Can’t… but scalosis isn’t triggered.

1 year ago

Let me have a source. On PubMed I don’t find anything…

I am very interested in the causes. In 90% idiopathic, presumably hormonal or muscular disorders.

Sure, science has no idea. Only cautious claims are right

1 year ago

Misalignments in sleeping,wrong,zb to soft mattresses,too high pillows,can trigger problems where you can’t imagine that it comes from.

1 year ago

Sorry Somi,
but I know two studies, the one that infants
put on the belly – with severe consequences.
Unfortunately lasted 10 years to the 2nd study that it is bullshit
and was also left in Deutschlend.
Are you still young and live by sick – I can understand!

So you’re not interested in the causes !

1 year ago

There is no study for sick sleep – there is everyone
responsible for itself !

1 year ago

Please give me a scientific study that supports your claim…

1 year ago

It is not true that this is a
He’s pure legal sleeper!
So leave it!

1 year ago

Sleeping is so no matter what

1 year ago

See again under PS:

1 year ago

It’s hard to say how much bigger you are, but you’ll wake up in principle

1 year ago

Well, cool that you’re worried about your size at such an OP 😀

I was 1.65 and I’m 1.71.

1 year ago

59° is a lot. So you’re going to land at least at 1.90

1 year ago
Reply to  MelindaPries

Well. Of course, it depends on how big the correction is. Sure. Now your spine makes a relatively large bow. After that, she’ll be more straight. So there’s a couple of cm in there.

1 year ago
Reply to  AlexSchweitzer

… which is relatively large for a lady…

1 year ago

In the back position, the relief of the discs

1 year ago

Usually you are approx. 2 cm larger than that of
reason; During the day, the discs are loaded and
Lose liquid!
In the night, these are supposed to recover with relief
and fill up again!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Sure. It’s even 10-15 possible.

1 year ago

Without being an expert, I would suspect that the shoe size will not change. 😐🤔