
Was denkt ihr wie groß ich werde?

Wie viel cm denkt ihr werde ich noch wachsen ich bin 15 Jahre alt seit Februar und 1,74 groß vor 2 Jahren wahr ich 1,66 ich bin noch nicht so richtig gewachsen kommt mein Schub noch? Meine Mutter ist 1,74 groß und meine Vater 1,84 groß 

ich bin männlich

Meine Freunde wachsen alle und ich wachse nicht so richtig im Moment ich war eigentlich immer größer bin aber bis jetzt in der Pubertät nur 6 cm gewachsen ungefähr obwohl meine Eltern größer sind als die meiner Freunde

Kann ich noch einen Wachstumsschub bekommen ?

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1 year ago

Every person grows differently and there are bigger and smaller ones in your age.

You can grow until 21 years of age.

Take off with girls -6.5cm.

With guys +6.5cm to count there.

There is such an invoice the size of the mother + the size of the father then divided by 2 +6.5cm, then you will have your size where will be.

174cm+184cm =358cm ÷2 =179cm +6.5cm =185.5cm

You’ll be 185.5cm tall.

Maybe you’ll get bigger.

I’m a man and I’m 30 years old.

I’m 168cm tall.

1 year ago

Your current age of 15 years and your previous size of 1.74 meters indicate that you have already reached a considerable size. However, it is possible that you could grow even further. The exact height you will reach is hard to predict.

If you are worried about your growth or want more detailed information, a visit to a pediatrician or an endocrologist (the specialist for hormone and metabolic disorders) might be helpful. You can assess growth, take into account family history and carry out additional investigations to give a more accurate assessment.

1 year ago

According to statistics, you grow until the 21st year of life.

Your invalid size can only tell you your doctor, but these are also only forecasts. If you become bigger or smaller than the doctor says you can’t answer, you’ll see with time.

When or how fast you grow, no one can know.

how much you can grow

1 year ago

Maximum 10cm, with 16-17 you will be fully grown, with roughly 21 you will get a little push again.

1 year ago

If you even get very likely to grow male youth at the age of 15-17 years I think I had read where but with 15 you don’t listen to grow up yet don’t worry.
