Hallo, ich bin ein Mädchen (15 und 1,57m groß) und habe in den letzten 2-3 Wochen ganz oft schmerzen am Knöchel, hoch entlang an meiner Wade und am Hüftgelenk. Manchmal auch an den Oberschenkeln. Dies passiert nur in der Nacht und ungefähr 2 mal pro Woche. Irgendwie habe ich abwechselnd Beinschmerzen. Also mal mein linker Bein, mal mein rechter. Sind das Wachstumsschmerzen?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten!
With me it was always like I grew up.
Sometimes it was very violent.
May I ask where you were in pain?
Thighs and calves.
Thank you. So with me the pain is always 2-3 times a week, but for that only one night. But it happened sometimes that I almost cried because of this, so that was already extreme.
Always noticed igw right away.
The pains were sometimes severe and always lasted 1 week.
Thank you. How long did it last until you realized that you grew/ grew?
Yeah, I know.