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1 month ago


I canFire starnot suffering at all, he is simply a huge encoder. Sometimes he was quite okay, but I just hate how he always does things that are not okay for others. Although he only wants to help the other clans or other cats, I just don’t think it’s okay if they were “No” say. He thinks it’s good, but anyway.

He was somewhat sympathetic at the beginning, but at the latest when he was no longer the protagonist, he was just more annoying. He was extremely arrogant and somehow only looked down on others. In addition, he no longer knew what, so to speak, has alleviated.

In addition, he isperfectand has reallyall rightmade. When he did this with the WindClan in season 1 times (when he acted behind Blaustern’s back) it was good at the end that he did it, so he actually does everything right.

He was a littleChestnuts. There he can’t do anything for it, and I don’t have anything to do with kittens, but why could he defeat cats that nobody else could defeat? Others had much more experience and skills, but he defeated the greatest villains.

In addition, at the very beginning, he defeated grey paws, which certainly had a small part of his warrior training behind him and therefore had to win. Sammy had no experience back then.

And as already mentionedany decisionthat he met, finally,Positive.

I hope I could help you!

LG Silvalis

1 month ago
Reply to  Wolfnacht

Thanks for the star!

1 month ago
Reply to  Wolfnacht


1 month ago
Reply to  Silvalis

I personally love fire stars, but still good reasons 👌🏻

1 month ago
Reply to  Wirbelfrost

Thanks <3

1 month ago


I personally love fire stars, it’s a pity that he’s getting so cramped, but a bit far I can understand. Still, I love him! He is so brave, strong and loyal and he is one of the best leaders there was. Yeah, he saved the clans, but he was destined for that. Therefore there is the prophecy: “Only fire can save the clans!” Yeah, he saved the clans more often, but I think Geißel could have defeated someone else, he won only because of his nine lives, that the other leaders would have done. In season two, he twisted the clans together, but the embassies only got blackberry claw, feather tail, crow feather and amber fur. Fire star then only made sure that the clans are going on together, but they didn’t have a right choice and fire star simply has leadership qualities! Staffel 3 hasn’t done so much now, he wasn’t in the 3rd prophecy. But in Staffel 4, he saved the clans. He measured himself again with tiger stars, won, but finally died of the consequences. He is not immortal, he has only one prophecy and fulfills this so well he can. I like him great!

But of course everyone can have their own opinion! <=3

LG Buntfeel

1 month ago


I like fire stars. He did a lot for his clan and wanted the best for him. Although I agree with most that he is always perfect and takes up too many house kittens, I still like him.

LG Tigerauge

1 month ago

His intentions are good and (usually) honorable, but with his help he is very intrusive.

I think in the beginning everyone liked him, but with time he changed.