Waassss tun?
hi m12 hab seit tagen drückend und stechenden schmerzen in der brust kommt das vom zocken oder so weiß es nicht denk auf jeden fall drüber nach ob ich mal am montag zum artzt gehe hat jemand Tipps wie ich das jetzt hinbekommen das es nicht mehr weh tut
For me, remote diagnostics are basically crap.
But because of your symptom, a visit to the doctor would not be wrong. It will probably be a bracing (gaming chairs are really total junk), an infect etc., but this cannot be fixed. But if symptoms like:
please contact the 112 and please contact the control panel GENAU sign what phase is. They are designed for this.
In principle:
ok thank you then go to the last day my brother, by the way, has rs atemwegsinfekt can be with me because first I have 4 weeks coughs and now just keep this
Yes, if your brother has this, please, to the family doctor. This type of infect can spread untreated into the lungs, but no panic that usually takes and you can notice. So first rest there is enough help that comes when you need it.
Ok I’m going on Monday definitely there I was already 2 weeks ago Hertz lunge was okay
Probably this comes from your bad posture while shocking. You can try it with warmth and light stretching exercises
Since your posts are all about nothing else: Why didn’t you go to the doctor long ago when it’s so bad?
Don’t get me wrong, but I really don’t know if we should take you seriously.
What prevents you from going to the doctor? Why didn’t you do that long ago? We can’t help you here. We’re not doctors. But you must be aware of that.
Yes I was already at the last two weeks ago, everything was normal and I’m always gonna take care of it so quickly
Well, you’re going to the doctor again.