Scale is reading incorrectly. Uncalibrated by DHL?
I tried to send a package to DHL today. It weighed 1.7 kilos at my home. It weighed 2.6 kilos at DHL.
Calibration seal expired…now what???
I tried to send a package to DHL today. It weighed 1.7 kilos at my home. It weighed 2.6 kilos at DHL.
Calibration seal expired…now what???
Zum Beispiel, wenn der-/diejenige verstorben ist und man ihm/ihr nachträglich noch Dinge mitteilt, für die es zu Lebzeiten keine Gelegenheit gab?
Z.B. wenn ich nach Norwegen, Kroatien usw. schicke, brauche ich Briefmarken aus diesen Ländern oder gehen deutsche (Internet)marken? Rückumschlag = ein zweiter Brief im Brief der zurück zum Empfänger geht
Hello, I have a question. I ordered clothes from China to sell online in Germany for my own brand. These clothes were recently shipped and ended up at customs. Customs called me and wanted proof of payment and order confirmation. However, I wondered why, as customs couldn't really answer my question. Then it occurred to…
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Go to another package shop, call DHL and decide to ask if they have a test weight.
Go to a GLS package shop there are all grösen to 40 kg without extra charge. And it’s cheaper.
Go to the next DHL shop