VW Polo 9N Springt nicht mehr an!?
Heute Morgen zur Arbeit gefahren alles war ok.
Nach Feierabend rein ins Auto, Schlüssel rein, Radio und Lichter gingen alle an (war alles vorher aus, also nichts abgelassen)
Kupplung getreten und Schlüssel Rum gedreht und nichts ist passiert, kein Anzeichen nix!!! Kein ruckeln und zuckeln, es war einfach nichts passiert…
Komischerweise war auch dann die Bremse hart beim treten…
Was könnte es sein ?
Schlüssel defekt oder Batterie von Schlüssel leer ?
Oder doch die Autobatterie, dass sie vllt genug Saft hatte für Radio usw haber nicht mehr für Auto Starten? Aber dann müsste doch das Auto wenigstens probieren zu kommen ?
Oder andere Tips ?
If he really doesn’t do anything at all during the start-up attempt – the electrical consumers will probably work the starter.
An initiator contains, inter alia, an electric motor. If the rotor is stuck in exactly the right (or wrong) place, that happens when you start: Nothing.
Just hit the starter with gentle force a few times with a hammer – even who doesn’t know how violent it is. Normally, he turns as far as you can start again quite normal.
Battery or starter or 125 other things, up to ground cable.
Battery and starters are the main causes.
I discovered bird feathers in the engine room
There’s probably a marder ate his prey and I’m sure there’s some damage, TK’s bringing it to the friendly.
It could be a problem with the ignition. Check if the spark plug is wet or not. If it is wet, it can be that there is a problem with the ignition distributor. This must then be checked by the mechanic. It could also be a problem with the ignition lock. In this case, you need to contact a motor vehicle engineer who can check and fix the problem. It could also be a problem with the battery. First check if the battery is fully charged. If not, upload them and try again. If the problem still exists, it may be that the charging or starter motor is defective and a repair is required.
Could be battery or starter, maybe also switch on the clutch pedal…
Just call the panning aid, remote diagnosis is not possible.
I found bird feathers in the engine room
You can make an Indian headdress.
that was good,
Hello, did the starter not make a muck when you turned the key?
Then I’ll close the battery.
I could actually introduce myself to keys broken. Does he have a remote control for the ZV and is it still going? Do you have a replacement key you can test?
A faulty starter would also be possible.
first start radio and lights.
to the workshop, the juice is still enough, but not to start. Lima broken, or