VW Notdienst : Kosten für Autoanschaltung mit leerer Batterie?


Wie viel kostet der Einsatz des VW-Notdienstes, um einem Auto mit leerer Batterie Starthilfe zu geben, damit der Kunde zu einer Werkstatt fahren kann?

(Ohne Mitglied in einem Automobilclub, von VW Garantie oder einer ähnlichen Organisation zu sein.)


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2 months ago


1. Pannenhilfe (working time) is for car clubs for all “free” (that is, non-profit associations) but what a breakdown is define the clubs differently or it is defined by the craftsman’s innation.

2.) For start-up assistance, tw taxis are sent to the “wedding” tw taxis or car workshops of the innation make of about 5.30-9.30 emergency service. So in the morning, when people have to work and the battery has not survived the soaked night, they are placed at the center of gravity panning aids, the whole is repeated every year for winter break or New Year.

3. The breakdown services and the KFZ master’s emergency services make a diagnosis and build a new battery, but this has been under criticism of various brand workshops for years and has to be clarified with the emergency service of the car brand. This usually makes the center after the data is received. The ADAC Pannendienst also makes the emergency service of almost all car brands and most insurance companies. Only Daimler still has a pannenhilfe fleet with branch offices or authorities/user vehicle/taxi workshops.

If the car is maintained at VW, the VW “Pannenversicherung/Mobility Guarantee” will be extended by 1 year or by 2 years at longlife intervals. Usually you call his tribal workshop and they organize it.

2 months ago

Curiosity also costs. It depends on the distance and whether you have a mobility guarantee. 0 to 200€.

2 months ago

This costs about 4 ADAC annual contributions. How can you not be with ADAC or ARAG? Completely lost.

2 months ago

Ask Vw. cheaper is probably a taxi that also comes to the starting aid.

2 months ago

You have no acquaintance or. Neighbors could give you starter help

2 months ago

pair hundred euros

2 months ago
Reply to  Remione

Well, what do you expect? That someone comes to you for $50?

2 months ago

That’s how it works. You only see the time that the employee was with you… how to get there, get back, entertainment and purchase of motor vehicles and tools. etc.