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8 months ago

If you always drive with enough cooling liquid, shorter plugs are not a problem.

However, you need to keep an eye on the cooling liquid level and check it as far as possible before driving.

If you need to refill water, please do not do this for a long time.

Frost protection in the cooling liquid is not a problem at this time of year.

However, cooling liquid contains not only antifreeze, but also anti-corrosion additives which, however, degrade over time…

This is, by the way, a reason why the cooling liquid must be changed regularly.

If there is no information in the manual, then every three years.

Missing corrosion protection in the cooling liquid can lead to damage.


8 months ago

Put a bottle of cooler seal in and watch it.

However, if you notice white exhaust gas clouds or be a narrow brown slime on the oil lid, if possible do not drive but into the workshop.

8 months ago
Reply to  Hafnafir

Cooler-tight does not solve any problems, but what.

The crap is stuck everywhere

8 months ago

If you look at the water level, short distances without great stress are no problem