VW Caddy Motortausch?

Moin, Frage in die Schrauberrunde. Wäre es technisch machbar, in einen 2018er Caddy einen 2018er 2L GTI-Motor (Frontantrieb) zu verbauen? Also ohne jetzt das Fahrzeug merklich zu verändern?

Kam mir nur gerade in den Sinn, da der Caddy ja optisch an den Golf 7 angelehnt ist.

Jetzt mal die ganzen administrativen Sachen wie TÜV etc. außen vorgelassen. Dass ein anderes Getriebe, Auspuff und Bremsen etc. nötig wären, geschenkt.
Geht mir nur um das technisch machbare, wie zB Platz im Motorraum.


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2 years ago

In the Caddy, this would be the one from the Golf 6 GTI, as the Caddy is still building on the old PQ35 platform by 2020, like the Golf 5 and 6. The Golf 7 however already on the more modern MQB platform. There was a lot to be replaced with parts, but it would be feasible.

2 years ago

No problem. VW works very intensively with the modular principle. Same parts are used wherever it is. And the 2 liter diesel engine used for the caddy needs at least as much space. I could even imagine that the original motor mounts can be used.

2 years ago

No problem. There is enough space. In addition, there are also 2 liters of diesel in the caddy, which are significantly heavier and larger.

2 years ago

It’s possible.
And if the engine doesn’t fit in, sheets are cut out.

Lastly, if a report had been read, it was a change (engine from RS4 or RS6 to a polo 6N )

2 years ago
Reply to  Booooman

But this is definitely not acceptable anymore!

2 years ago
Reply to  justbad123

It was also in New Zealand.
I was just thinking about the engine coming in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Amtsschreck

You almost always build a motor from below and get in, because the easiest goes.

So a caddy running clearly over 200 is not a rare thing

2 years ago

You’ve already listed the essentials. For engine, gear and cable harness, you ideally have a complete dispenser vehicle.

Costs are within depending on what the donor costs and how far the whole is to go. But you’re far 4 digits with open end.

My current project already costs over 5,000€ pure material costs without working time, but is just at 30-40% completion

2 years ago

The diesel puts most of the gasoline in the pocket from the torque. There was also a caddy with 170hp TDI. The box is extremely flexible with regard to this. VW just grabs the shelf and assembles. The current generation is based on the golf platform and not more Polo. There’s a lot more. 5 or 6 cylinders should fit in. (That’s what we stuffed 20 years ago in Opel Combos from Corsa B Platform)

2 years ago

The 122PS diesel with DSG race scarce 190. With small modifications there are clearly more than 200 in there.